Story in the Making [19/?]

Jun 11, 2014 16:43

Chapters might come out slower I no longer have anything prewritten. I hadn't imagined that I'd get here this fast. Whoops!

Previous Chapter

Who was Youngjae fooling? Of course he saw what he had done more than simple friendly affection. He had been in need of comfort, Daehyun had been there and it had felt so natural to kiss him like he had, even if it didn’t go further like he had been secretly hoping for it to. It wasn’t…

Youngjae sighed and rubbed at his head, looking back at his friend with a small, sheepish and definitely guilt-filled smile.

Daehyun didn’t know what to say. Was he supposed to push further? Was he supposed to drop it and forget that it ever happened? The thing was…he couldn’t just forget. Not when those lips had felt so smooth over his collarbone, touching in a way that affected him in such a way that Heehyoung couldn’t even claim she had done. It was so…odd to feel, but Daehyun didn’t know how he was supposed to handle it now. It wasn’t every day that your best friend kissed you and brushed it off as nothing.

“It was an accident.” Youngjae claimed softly, his gaze turning back to the skyline as he prayed that Daehyun would accept that, that that would be the end of the conversation and there was no more to say.

“How was it an accident? You kissed me.” Daehyun pushed before he could think through what he was doing. He regretted it immediately as he saw the bitch-face settle on Youngjae’s face. His eyes widened even before Youngjae had to say anything and he practically cowered back.

“I did not!” Youngjae snapped as he pushed himself up from the ground. “My lips touched your collarbone, so fucking what? You tried kissing me when we were on Killing Camp and that was on TV!”

Daehyun also pushed himself from the ground, rising to his feet the same as Youngjae had, both of them staring at one another as Youngjae fumed.

“You’re…fucking kidding me. I did not try kissing you on Killing Camp! It was a goddamn game for Christ’s sake, Youngjae!” It wasn’t often that they used each other’s names in private like this and it was so odd to be doing so now, even when they were as angry with each other as they so obviously were. Daehyun stared at the younger man with a lack of understanding and simple confusion, not seeing what he had done so wrong by being affected from the kiss that Youngjae had given him. “You kissed me.”

“No I-just would you-shut up!” Youngjae stammered out angrily before he promptly turned and made his way from the roof as he couldn’t take this any longer. He allowed the door to slam behind him and there was a moment where he had thought Daehyun would come after him. There was also a moment where Daehyun had thought he would go after the man. Obviously, neither of those things happened.


It wasn’t as though they could avoid each other forever. A few hours later, they were both in their bedroom, getting ready for bed and avoiding each other as much as possible as they truly weren’t in the mood or something to that effect.

Youngjae just changed into his pajamas, keeping his back to Daehyun’s side of the room for when the man came back from the bathroom. Daehyun only wore his boxers as he hardly ever wore much more to bed for comfort reasons. Youngjae was the one who wore pants and a shirt, usually mismatch and usually one of them being the elder’s and tonight was no exception even if they hadn’t spoken to each other properly. Even though they hadn’t spoken the entire time they were getting ready for bed, Youngjae looked to him when the door opened purely out of instinct. He licked his lips as they stared at one another for a long moment, obviously at odds with one another and unsure how to proceed from where they currently were.

When they turned away from one another, Youngjae tried to pretend that he wasn’t as hurt by the blatant attempt to ignore him. But it did hurt. It hurt incredibly to be treated as though they were best friends, as though they weren’t as close as could be and as though their relationship up until that point hadn’t been anything significant. It hurt and Youngjae wanted it to stop even though he wasn’t aware of what it was that he needed from that point on.

“Youngjae…” There Daehyun went again, using his name again and Youngjae hated it.

“What?” He asked softly, their backs still turned away from one another as they find whatever excuse they could to keep from catch one another’s gaze.

“Never mind…”

Youngjae sighed heavily and shook his head, unsure what it was for them to do. It didn’t seem like they could talk this out, even though Youngjae would give anything to have them be back to normal because he simply…couldn’t take this anymore. This wasn’t the first night that they went about their business without speaking to one another, but it was certainly the first night that they had with such animosity between them.

“I can’t do this anymore. Just…fuck this.” Youngjae growled out. Never had Daehyun heard the younger man speak so angrily, with something so akin to disgust and aggravation that when Daehyun turned to face him, he didn’t expect to see Youngjae storming across the small room and over to him.

Before Daehyun could even question what it was that Youngjae wanted, thinking that he might be hit for whatever reason, the man was already standing before him. What else was he supposed to expect? Youngjae could be quite violent at times. They stared at each other for all of two seconds before Youngjae’s hand curled around Daehyun’s shoulder, gripping tightly as his other slid behind Daehyun’s neck, curling around that as well as he leant forward and pressed their lips together.

The reactions between the two were one in the same even if they didn’t know it. The feel of Daehyun’s lips against Youngjae’s was something that the younger man had been dreaming about longer than he would care to admit. The soft feel of those plump lips, despite where they had been in the past, felt so nice against his mouth, the way they were large and soft…Youngjae didn’t want to pull away, not when they sent an almost electric shock through him. Youngjae had never been kissed before, even if he was the one doing the kiss and they were hardly getting anywhere with it, it was something new to experience, and something that he didn’t want to think about.

Daehyun, on the other hand, knew from the moment that Youngjae’s lips touched his that there was no way in hell that he was going to let this end. His fingers lift to rest on Youngjae’s hips. They were so very slim compared to a woman’s, compared to Heehyoung’s where he had found it was the easiest place to rest his hands while they kissed. This wasn’t the case. With his hands on Youngjae’s hips, Daehyun felt that it would be so much easier to bring the man closer to him, flush their bodies together and initiate something far less than innocent simply because he couldn’t help how attracted to Youngjae that he was at that very moment.

Far too soon in both of their minds, Youngjae pulled away, breathless already despite the kiss having just been a press of lips. “There.” He muttered, his cheeks a dark red and his eyes hooded, not daring to meet Daehyun’s gaze as he was far too embarrassed after the fact. “Now you can claim that I kissed you…”

“No.” Daehyun spoke, his fingers curling tighter around the thin hips of his best friend, not allowing him to go anywhere. He wasn’t done with that kiss and certainly wasn’t going to let that be the end all. There was no way in hell that that would be the end of it.

Youngjae’s breath hitched again as Daehyun’s lips had returned to his and he could not believe how sweet the whole thing was. He wanted to push away, simply because he felt so flustered having Daehyun kiss him like this, but at the same time…it was everything that he could have dreamed of and then some.

“I’m not done.” Daehyun stated, though more like mumbled as their lips were still together and as though Youngjae hadn’t deduced that himself. It was a much longer time that passed before they pulled away that time.

Next Chapter

type: chaptered, genre: romance, pairing: daejae, title: sitm, rating: pg-13, status: work in progress, group: b.a.p.

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