Story in the Making [3/?]

Apr 25, 2014 15:28

Soooo, here's the third installment. It's only delayed cause of LOE2014 in LA and yeah...but I feel quite happy with it. It's still the beginning of Daejae's relationship formation; so just them as friends. It'll pick up soon enough...I think.

First Chapter
Previous Chapter
“Come on!” Daehyun said with a great smile, not making it clear just what they were doing out in the middle of the night when they should be sleeping, but Youngjae was unable to pull away for the simple fact that this was his best friend and this was what best friends did for one another. Despite how tired one friend was and how much that friend wanted to curl up in bed to rest after the full day that they had had. But the other friend seemed far too wired and energetic and someone must have given him sugar. Youngjae would be sure to murder them when he got back down to the dorm. How easy was it to make murder look like an accident?

“Do we have to do this now?”

The bitchiness was nearly palpable.

Why did Daehyun put up with Youngjae again?

Youngjae wondered the same thing.

“You are going so slow.”

“I am not going slow, I am simply half asleep, dammit.” Youngjae grumbled. He was in every bit of his bitch-mood and Daehyun found it every bit amusing as he probably shouldn’t given the fact that a bitchy Youngjae was something that one did not mess with if they wanted to live to see the next morning. “And if you laugh at me, I swear to God, Jung Daehyun, you will not wake up in the morning.” See?

Daehyun stifled his laugh as he led his best friend up the flight. Some things were always so predictable about Youngjae and his threats in such a mood were one of those things. Man, did Daehyun love his best friend…

Youngjae felt weary as they neared the door to the roof, not sure what they would be doing up there as he felt that there was no reason that anyone should be up there for any reason because it was a fifteen story building and anything could happen to said person. He trusted Daehyun, sure, but that didn’t mean he was comfortable being up on the roof in the first place.

“Daehyun, we can’t go up there.” He stated quite clearly. He wasn’t one for doing something that he felt unsure about. He was probably one of the more sensible members of the group.

The vocalist charmed Youngjae with a single grin, one that made his knees almost buckle and his heart skip a beat. “Don’t you trust me?”

There was no need for a verbal reply as Youngjae was already pushing open the door and stepping out onto the roof. Of course he trusted his best friend. No one could think otherwise. Never had he had a reason not to trust the elder man who never led him astray, always protected him, and did everything he could for him. So stepping out onto the roof was minor compared to the things that Youngjae would do to prove that he trusted Daehyun.

Upon opening the door, they were assaulted with the sounds of the city: traffic, sirens, some music down the street from some club that Yongguk and Himchan said was good. All of it was normal to Youngjae and so he didn’t understand why they would need to go to the roof for him to hear all of this. But before he could say anything, Daehyun is taking his hand again and leading him over to the edge. Youngjae doesn’t even attempt to decline or pull away.

“Look…” Daehyun spoke softly. He motioned out to city. They had both lived in one for all their lives. It wasn’t new to either of them. It was bright and loud and sometimes dirty, but it was their home. Youngjae liked the city and felt safe within it. When he looked out over the skyline, a small smile formed on his face. The way the building was angled in Seoul, the rest of it looked…breathtakingly unimportant. “Makes you feel small, huh?” It was like Daehyun could read his mind.

Youngjae looked over to his best friend and smiled. Carefully, he took a few steps to the ledge and placed his hand on the side that came up to just above his midsection. Either way, Daehyun placed a hand on his arm to make sure there was no chance that he’d fall. The younger man felt his heart skip a beat.

“How’d you find this place?” He had long forgotten about how tired he had been or how cranky he had been upon waking. He forgot how annoyed he was with Daehyun or his wariness about coming up to the roof so late at night when they should be resting.

“I couldn’t sleep and Himchan was with some girl out in the living room last night when I wanted to watch TV so I went exploring. I didn’t want to wake you but I didn’t want to say anything in front of anyone else…” That was…odd, to say in the least. Why wouldn’t he want to say anything to anyone else? This was a beautiful place to be? It was slightly…romantic in a sense. “Himchan would be fucking up here every chance he could get.”

“Oh.” Youngjae spoke briefly before laughing, moving just a bit from the ledge. He wasn’t a fan of heights and so instead turned his focus on his best friend. “So you just wanted to share this with me?” His thin, pale arms crossed over his chest. It was early summer and so far from being cold. It was perfect weather and Youngjae had no need for anything other than the short sleeve shirt and the thin pajama pants that he had fallen asleep in.

Daehyun’s fingers brushed over the back of his own head, sliding through his hair. If Youngjae looked real hard, he could see a faint tint of a blush. Well, that didn’t make any sense. Maybe he was too tired to be attempting to figure all this out or the workings of his elder friend’s mind. It was pointless at this time of the night.

“You won’t tell anyone, right?” Youngjae smiled and shook his head. He kind of liked seeing Daehyun’s confident demeanor break down and that shy, boy with the Busan dialect showed. Youngjae was the only one who didn’t tease Daehyun when he first came to Seoul for that accent. It’s what made them so close from the get-go.

“I won’t tell a soul.” The grin nearly made his knees buckle.

Next Chapter

genre: romance, pairing: daejae, genre: friendship, status: work in progress, type: chaptered, rating: pg, title: sitm, group: b.a.p.

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