Kay, so today I went to AJ's jam. I was pretty bored.:|
Now I'm at Michelle's house.:) I planned an unexpected sleepover here toonight but it's all good.:) So far we just took pictures, played Mario Kart with Sean & now we're watching Bad Boys 2.
Yeennno what this is sooo yeah.:)
- Watching RV with Gabbz&Christine.:)
- Staying behind because I didn't go to St.Joes.-_-"
- The French Cafe on Kelsey's birthday. French Cafe was good.(y)
- Going back at night to the French Cafe show. Waitressing with alotta other people&what not. Took pictures, watched the show, met Paulo. Gave hugs&bonded more with Jason&Andrew.:)
- Supposedly going to Laura's house for cheese(?):P
- Bonding with my kuya Kenneth during gym. (Arg, I miss him!)
- Michael Steenson's birthday consisted of my saying 'Happy birthday' to me over&over & giving him 1543 hugs.:)
- Track&field day(N) Bonded&chilled more with CJ & Mylinh faked sick!:P
- Ate Jessica & Kayceee's birthday jams.(y)
- Chillage with hg, Christine Santos.:)
- Cassin, Alex, sleeping over.
- Biking with Melissa & Mylinh. Lalalala.
- Cj & Jason making me laugh like crazy.
- Going to Starbucks with Melissa after school.
- Getting introuble by the Mrs.Gallant's supply.:\ That was gay.
- Holy Name of Mary band coming to our school to perform.
- That one recess where I practically broke Justine's rib & stuck the earphone up Breee's nose.
- Cj showing/telling me that he got GRILLS(braces)!
- Getting hyper with Mylinh&Cj is always fun.x)
- Gallivanting to Justine's house with Gabbz&Mylinh.OHMYGAAS, funnniest day ever guuoyyyy 8) & Seeing many people that we know.(Y)
- Backyard chillage(Y)
- Mothers day jam.
- Playing 'footsies' with Luke&Paul. That game hurts.
- That time mains made a bet & Elise had to speak in that 'austrailian accent' for the whole entire day. LMFAO so jokes.x)
- Reminising with Angela & Andrew.
- Making our props for drama.
- Me&Mylinh staring at Joyel for a whole entire period. Lmfao, that was soo jokes.
- Arguing with Cj that Tigger ISN'T black...-_-"
- Biking with mains & then them coming over to my house to watch HSM.:)lalalala, that made my day.
- Chillage at Christine's house.
- Bradley & Daryl's birthday jam.
- Melissa,Gabbz,&Mylinh coming over to work on drama. lols, playing SPOONS & Mylinh eating all the cookies>:)
- Walking to St.Martin of Tours church for confirmation practice.
- Presenting the abortion skit with Elise,Gabbz,&Mylinh.
- Going to Sam&Alex's & Tita Emee's jam.
- Gabbz, Mylinh, Melissa,&Laura coming over for drama practice. & Then when it was over, me&Mylinh going outside because we saw Paul walking his dog, Princesssa.:)
- Counting down to grad&the last day of school :(
- Presenting drama skit.
- Gallivanting with Gabbz to the convience store.
- Going swimming with Gabbz,Mylinh,Melissa,Christine,&Elise. Lols, Me&Mylinh saw a guy that looked like Ash from Pokemon!:P
- Fam jam & seeing Jennifer&Alhyssa again.:)
- Laughing at everything Paul & Kenneth said.8)
- Laughing ALOT during French because of Mylinh.:P
- Selling 'Ice Dawgs.' LMFAO.
- Playing soccer for gym & OUR TEAM WON!:Dlmfao.
- Luke's birthday! Me&him doing our handshake, me&Melissa giving him a birthday card/chocolate, him making me listen to slipknot. & Mike making fun of me since I wasn't 14 yet.>:\
- Chillage at Aya's house.
- Going to Square one with Gabbz,Mylinh,&Christine.
- Chillage at Michelle's house! Too jokes.XD
- Good talk with Justine about the Phils.(Y)
- Going to the library with Gabbz,Mylinh,Melissa,Laura,Danielle,&Christine to study for the science test.
- Biking with mains.:)
- Graffiti art for the Outsiders ...
- Watching movies the WHOLE DAY on that one Friday & Christine distracted me the whole time making me laugh.;P
- Being 'ballHERS' with Justine.:P
- Father's day & Matt's birthday.
- Going to Niagra Falls with fam.
- Swimming day with Gabbz,Mylinh,Christine,&Melissa.
- Having a mini waterfight with cassins.
- Student VS. Teacher volleyball game.:P
- Bonding more with Ryan.:*)
- Christine's birthday jam.
- Mylinh's birthday jam & that big dilemma.:|lols.
- Watching the Outsiders for the whole day.
- During the art period, me & Gabbz were drawing random stuff.(Y)
- Mr. Howard bringing in his baby, Simon. Lols, soo jokes.
- Counting down until school ends & grad.
- THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOOL. :( (it was too sad & I took aloootta pictures).
- Going to the shaving cream fight with Mylinh for like a second & Matt sprayed with shaving cream...>:\
- Mylinh coming over when the last day of school was over. T'was jokes.;P
- Christian's birthday jam.
- Going to SDCS graduation & seeing EVERYONNNE again & giving everyone 1564 hugs.<3
- Canada day!
- MY 14TH BIRTHDAAAYY!:D Christine&Laura coming over to greet me a happy birthday :*) Then Emily,Christine,&Tj coming overr to greet me happy birthday. We gallivanted.(y)
- My birthday jam.:)
- Chillage at Melody's.
- Gallivanting with Mylinh.
- Chilling with Sam&Alex & then Sam coming over afterwards. We biked&gallivanted&such.
- Chillage with Mylinh,Fiona,Kenneth,&Paul.
- Biking with Gabbz,Laura,Mylinh,&Melissa.
- Chillage with Mylinh,Paul,Kenneth&Jeff. Lols, seeing Mike & giving him gynermous hugs&Gabbz takking pictures of my hugging him on my cell.(Y)
- Baby Jaden's baptism party & seeing cassins plus Jennifer&Alhyssa agaains.:)
- Laura's birthday jam: Watched POTC:DMC(Y)
- Going to the beach with fam plus Sam&Alex.
- Buying my uniform.
- Gallivanting to the store with Sam during Alex's game.
- Sleeping over at Sam&Alex's & watching HSM in 'fast forward' & dancing to it.;P
- Getting my Wonderland Season's Pass & going to Wonderland with Sam,Alex,Tita,Tyler,&Ryan.(Y)
- Chilling with caassin & mains.
- Biking with Christine,Melissa,&Laura.
- Kevin's birthday!
- Biking with Gabbz.
- Going to Wonderland with Tita,Ryan,&Alex. Then went back to their place,& Jessica came.:)
- Michael&Melody's birrthday.
- Going to the Trent Cottage with barkada. That was ALMOST as live as the other cottage trip.;)