Yeah the Topmodel shows are back. And after seeing all the seasons of ANTM I can't really watch GNTM anymore. It's just annoying and actually disrespectful towards the girls! I admit I will watch the makeovers because I like to see what they do and if it really improves the girls look, but I guess after that I won't watch it on a regular basis.
1. I tried to like her look but even thinking about a make over that makes things different I was not really seeing her potential. She is a pretty girl but I think that’s all.
1. I didn’t really like this one, she looks like a wax figure. Her stare is a little creppy to me and the way she sits on that chair…I hope she does better the next time cause she has potential and reminds me of I think Kendra from the cycle before with more life.
2. Much better I even like the angry attitude in her face, so sad that she had to leave, but is was understandable.
1. Not really something I would imagine happening backstage but nice shot, though I’d like it more natural, you can see that she is posing and since this was supposed to look like backstage of a show I think she missed the mark a little.
2. If she'd smize it would be perfect.
1. Probably the most backstage moment of them all but somehow really creeping me out, why did you pick this one Miss Tyra?
2. It's good, but I wish she wouldn't hunch her back so much, doesn't work for me in this shot.
1. Make over!!! I’m sure she’ll get a supercool short hair cut and I wanna see it, right now she looks odd but with a lot of potential. I already can see Misses Jay cutting of that rat tail thing o her headXD
2. It's just akward and odd. Can't wait till they fix her hair.
1. I’m so not sure about this picture, I like her piercing eyes but at the same time it’s more like a movie snapshot than a fashionshot. I wonder why Tyra picked this one.
2. Not really pretty, I'd have sent her home as well, she doesn't have the potential I thought she has.
1. I liked the relaxed feeling of the picture and that girl has a great profile, I’m just worried that she may have problems her angles.
2. Even though she has her eyes closed this picture is quite good, would've been marvelous if she had her eyes open and smized.
1. It’s nice but I think not a best picture. I like the wind in the hair and her long neck but at the same time I think her head is pulled back a bit too much, for me it’s too much looking into her nose.
2. If she'd close the mouth and pulled the shoulders more back she'd look like some kind of bee warrior.
1. This one could be a real backstage moment but a rather boring one. I cans ee her potential but she has to work it more.
2. Much better, I like how she is holding her head, I only wish she'd smize more.
1. Miss baby face and baby voice, I hope they teach her how to work her angles cause her bonestructure will be difficult for her to work with and I think she could pull of some good pictures.
2. The hands really don't look like hers, if she'd dropped them it would've been really great, cause with this pulled back hair and the profile there is no babyface whatsoever.
1. This one surprised me, when I saw her face in the beginning I wasn’t sure if she could pull it off but she did well and I like the focus in her eyes, it’s not a smize but you feel she is looking at you.
2. Maybe it's just this weird make up, but if not I think she is not really a girl for straight on pictures. Her neck looks all stiff and even though you can't see anything like it I kind of have the feeling that she is holding her breath and pulling her shoulders up.
1. My personal best picture of the week. I mean she is in the bunch but still the center of the picture, I love the softness of her face and I could see that as a make up or fraigrance ad.
2. This time she got picture of the week. It's stunning, the really long neck, the hand doesn't look akward like on other girls pictures and the tears give this picture something totally different than the other pictures have.
1. I’m not sure about her yet, she is not really looking like a model too me and though I see what made her interesting for Tyra (obviously those freckles) I’m not sure if she can pull it off. Nice profile and I hope make over day comes fast for her because she needs something done with that hair.
2. I kind of like that picture, her freckles look great in the light and seeing something on her forehead makes me certain that she needs some bangs.
1. Love the picture it’s really a backstage moment, maybe not the most expressive in the eyes but Monique shines through somehow and she can learn how to smize.
2. She looks stunning and evil with the mouth like that and the hogh brow an the bee necklace and everything. Great picture.
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