Fringe||3x06 6955 kHz
Well despite her mission I can’t resist AltLivia. Anna Torv is just amazing. How she played the role of the shocked attacked agent who lied to shoot the shapeshifter…so acting while she acting…great job. I get how she managed to trick Peter. I’m in love with the case and the wole story that comes with it, I felt of course sorry for the people who were effected by th sequence, but that idea with the first people is amazing and to know where Walternate got the machine. Can’t get over it that it’s called vaccum, so you clearly know what it does, it’s sounds kind of funny in the beginning of course that changes when you thik abozt the horrible effect it will have, ut it’s at the same time really impressive. And spooky, scary, fascinating…LOTS of things. Walter was so cute finally giving into Peters research about the machine. I don’t like it, I want that thing destroyed before it’s even built, but that Walter gets over his dislike towards the machine for Peter is such a sweet gesture. I love that about him, how much he tries and cares.
Fringe||3x07 The Abducted
Amazing Olivia as ever. I love her dedication to the hob, even after she realizes that she is from another universe and needs to get away from over there before she gets killed. Great how she talked to AltBroyles son and saved him. I had some trouble though with the priest (I mean it’s Szelenka from AtlantisXD), but I have to admit I kind of liked the trick that led them first to think that the Abducted were used to make the guy young again. So great to see Henry again, I hope he’ll return in some way when Olivia is back in our universe. And how BAMF was it from Olivia to jump and make that woman call Peter? Loved it. Must be really weird for Peter though.
NCIS:Los Angeles||2x09 Absolution
Finally we learn more about Hetty. That woman is so full of secrets I guess she could have her own show. And I really liked that idea with the black book full of secrets. Not to mention how much fun it always is to hear Americans speak German. And yeah for Eric being half German, loved it when he was always like ‘Guys don’t male such comments about Germans I’m sitting right here’. But higlight for me was Deeks running gag with saying ‘Gesundheit’. First his pronunciation…and then it really was funny when he said it the third time! I hope we get more episodes about Hetty, I’m really fascinated by her right now. And that she went to that fake husband all the time was wonderful cause I don’t think that she just did it for the information he might have. Which makes me wonder if Hetty has any family besides the team. And the rest of the team too (expect Callen, we know quite a lot about his family situation now).
NCIS:Los Angeles||2x10 Deliverance
I’d love to read this black book. There might be nothing in it but still. All this back and forth if it really exists made me more tha curious. Great how Hetty left everybody in the dark if there is a book or not. I wonder if she read it.
Private Practice||4x08 What Happens Next
Can’t say how happy I was that Addison did the rape kit n case Charlotte changes her mind. I was also glad that they didn’t dig too much into Charlottes state, I don’t think I could take that too much longer without feeling really bad. The take how everybody else finds out was done really good, cautious and respectful. Addison made Sam find out which was very important for her as well so she is not the only one knowing it. And how sweet was Sam when he told Violet without really telling her? Talkig about the AddiSam was so cute. Luckily Violet understood. Next was Pete before Violet talked to Charlotte. He must have felt horrible since he was there that night. And poor Charlotte, I was really afraid what she would do. I’m really glad she had Amelia to go to. I think these two can be good friends when Charlotte is back on track. I don’t remember who told Sheldon but picture me happy when he went to the police to tell the detective wjo got raped. Violet was great how she told Cooper and seriously how amazing was Cooper?!! It’s one of the worst situations a couple can be in and if it happens might break up about, but he reacted wonderful. And you could see on Charlottes face how relieved she was that he knew (and she didn’t have to tell him) and especially that he didn’t reacted in a way that made her feel rejected. I so hope they can work that out and don’t drift apart.
Private Practice||4x09 Can't Find My Way Back Home
I was very focused on Charlotte so I’m sorry that I can’t comment on what happened to the others. But it was so crucial that Charlotte ID’s the bastard who did that to her and I was getting so mad when she didn’t the fist time. I wasn’t really thinking about the fact that it’s a problem that all the stuff about the rape came to the police too late, but that already goes into the next episode. And I loved it that Charlotte had Cooper there when she finally Ided the guy and not Violet. Really wonderful scene.
Criminal Minds||6x08 Reflection of Desire
Cute little secret that Garcia has. And she was great on stage, I think if you’d just see her on that stage you wouldn’t think that she is how she is at work. Was really awesome how the whole team was in the audience in the end. I’d love to know what they thought about the play. But to the case. I do love Robert Knepper, but I’m longing for a show or movie where he is not a bad guy and not creepy. He was one on Prison Break, seems to be on on Stargate Universe and here again. Canb’t deny though that he is always doing a great job. And for a while I thought that his mother was really alive and forced him to kill those women. Really disgusting when he came out with the corpse, ot to mention what he did with the lips. I’m really glad that we didn’t get to see his dead mothers face. But I have to admit that the pictures he took of the women were beautiful and the last one did so good in that scene he wanted to play, really impressive how she did it under these circumstances. Too bad that she couldn’t escape, what he did with her feet was grose.
Criminal Minds||6x09 Into the Woods
This one totally freaked me out. I never take episodes well when kids are the victims, but this one hit me harder cause these two kids reminded me so much of my younger siblings. Okay they are both one year older but doesn’t really make a difference if they are 12 and 9 or 13 and 10 right? I’m so going crazy when my parents consider camping for their next vacation with them! So I was very emotional about pretty much everything that happened to these kids. So adorable how the boy protected his baby sister and I was nearly crying when that sick bastard took him out of the cage and brought him back and you saw something really bad just happened to that boy. And then he was left with that other creep…I was so happy that he fought and managed to escape an yay for the BAU to at least catch one bad guy. I just hope they find that other one as well and that he is not able to hurt more kids.
CSI||11x08 Fracked
Seeing what a company can do to your water and so to you is really scary. I mean it was topic before this episode but it’s something you forget so easily. Next time I’m in the US I defintly will be more careful. Felt really sorry for that journalist, being so sick but still fighting against the people who got her into that condition, really brave. And I’m still shocked that the one guy from the ranch let his well explode…and not to mention the fact that it was possible in the first place!
CSI||11x09 Wild Life
Simply loved this one. A lot of Greg and a lot of fun. Not that the dead couple is fun, but I can’t deny that I was amused by the whole case and how everything worked together to end in that accident. And how cool was the parrot? Able to call 911 when he saw blood. I want one too.
Grey’s Anatomy||7x09 Slow Night, So Long
Even though Christina is miles away from her old self and so making the show sometimes difficult for me, I loved this episode. There was the whole thing at Meredith place with pretty much everybody living there (I’d move in right away^^) and all the Lexie/Avery scenes! Don’t get me wrong I love Mark&Lexie but that is not really going anywhere right now and I just realized that it’s so weird with Avery being alone. He is undeniable good looking (drop dead gorgeous as I call it^^) and since he is on the show there was nobody. I mean I don’t want him to be with a different girl every episode but it doesn’t make sense that a guy like that is all the time single. So my hopes for Lexie&Avery are a little bit rising. I never realized the chemistry between Alex and Meredith, it was great to see them on their nightshift and they totally kicked ass. Like Webber said, that’s how you do it at night. April was so much fun handling a) the glued together teens and b) drunk Bailey. Really sad that the one brither died Avery and Lexie were treating. And Averys reaction…I really want to know what’s going on with him, I don’t want him just to be the new good looking guy. Last thing to the residents…I wanted a slice of pizza really bad after seeing them having one. But now to the pub. As I metioned in reviews before I don’t get that new Christina. I get that she is traumatized, who wouldn’t be, but I don’t understand why is not doing any progress in dealing with it. That Joe really hired her surprised me and the moment she started mixing this blue drink that knocked out Bailey I knew she was out again before her first shift ends. The drunken attendents were fun, especially when teddy came from her disaster date. She is so growing on me, probably for one reason because she wants old Christina back like I do. Derek was so sweet looking after Christina until Owen took her home. Awesome how he carried her out of the pub and poor girl, her hangover must’ve been horrible. But what the heck was that with Mark and Callie in the end??? I don’t want to count the times they hooked up before, but I thought that was the past. I don’t like them as a couple at all, they are too great as best friends. This is going to be bad I know it.
CSI:NY||7x06 Do Not Pass Go
What a horrible scenario for those parenst! Finding that corpse and being devastated to be told that it’s not the missing child and that it’s still not clear where he is and what happened to him. I was glad that they found him alive. Have to admit I don’t remember much more of the episode expect this one super cool scener where Flack slides under a truck to follow the suspect. That rocked!
CSI:NY||7x07 Hide Sight
Such a sad story. Must be hard for the brother to be left out (though shooting down people is not the right way to get attention). I really missed New York when they had all those scenes in the old aparment of the sniper, I didn’t have it like that but would love to be able to have a chat with my neighbour sitting at my window.
CSI:NY||7x08 Scared Stiff
That fog was super scary, I was waiting for the black riders from the Lord of the Rings to come out of it because one of the scenes reminded me so much of them. I really would lke to know what Lindsay really saw on that icy lake. Looked a little like a hologram to me but they didn’t mention it anymore. I loved all the teasing though, it makes Jo more and more likeable. What happened to the girl was scary and that guy really creepy. I was really shocked when they showed the purses from the women he already had done this to. Don’t want to imagine what they went through after that happened.
CSI:NY||7x09 Justified
Amazing storyline. I’m normally not so keen when they investigate cold caeses but this one was great. Remembering the chief from ‘The 10th kingdm’ I couldn’t really consider him as a supect for long. All his actions showed that he knew more than he admitted but after it was revealed what actually happened I couldn’t blame him. It’s sad what happened to his niece and nephew and this might sound weird but I think it was good how it all happened. The chief took them under his custody and that probably is the best thing that could’ve happen to these kids. And that woman deserved it. You don’t hurt your kids like that, you don’t hurt them at all! Wonderful how Mac talked to the chief in the end, I really like it how he is edicated to do his job the right way and still can talk to people he upsets during the investigation like that.
Navy CIS||8x05 Dead Air
A patriotic terrorist group within the USA is kind of insane. I mean wtf were these people thinking when they planned that bomb attack? As if acting like that makes the world a safer place. People like that would be another reason for me not to live in the suburbs, they always seem to come from there.
Navy CIS||8x06 Cracked
So weird when Abby gets so emotionally involved and is not herself. It’s not that I dislike her than but I’m always worried that it might effect her on longer terms and change her too much. I don’t want Abby to not be Abby anytime. Loved all the fun around Tonys date and had to laugh so much when he showed up in his outfit for the roleplay. I had the same thjought as Ziva with Elvis, but she took it even further saying OLD ElvisXD
Navy CIS||8x07 Broken Arrow
I don’t know why but I’m not really fond of Tonys dad. Yes it’s funny from time to time with him but when I see Tony so uneasy I can fell with him cause with a dad like that I’d feel the same way. Ad I guess I’m not at all for DiNozzo senior flirting with Ziva. I don’t ship Tony and Ziva but it just makes me uncomfortable even thinking about Ziva actually going on a date with Tonys dad. He is so…so I don’t know…sleeky?xD
Stargate Universe||2x05 Cloverdale
I think I figured out why I’m not so fond of Chloe. She is not important. They needed that alien thing to give her an edge, there was nothing before that made her interesting or very important within the crew. She was just a simple civilian (okay she and Matt are together but that’s not really contributing to anything). Just needed to say that. Now I really enjoyed this episode and despite my dislike for Chloe I liked what she did for Matt. Greer was awesome fighting those plant things (reminded me of the big one that takes over the house in ‘Jumanji’). And how they projected the crew into Matt unconscious dream was amazing, I loved how they put the relationships in there. Young as Matts father, Greer as the best man, Brody as the bar owner (I love Brody, I think he’s adorable and I like his voice a lot), Ltd. James as the ex and especially Eli as the brides brother, that reflected their relationship wonderfully. Oh and it was cool that Eli was filming all the time like his documentation with the kinos. And the end was great at the wedding when Matt looked at Chloe and she was half alien and half herself and he finally regained conciousness.
CSI:Miami||9x08 On the Hook
Lots of Ryan! ♥ Well for me it still could be more but well I can’t have everything. And since it’s kind of the super H show anyway he is never going to save the day, that’ll always be H. A bit anoying but as long as the day and especially the people are saved it’s okay. Quick word to the case, I felt really sorry for these guys. With a probation officer like that becoming a member of society agai is really not the easiest thing to d. I was glad that they found him before he did anything to that girl.
How I met your mother||6x10 Blitzgiving
I think if I’d spend Thanksgiving with the gang I’d love it. It is just so much fun! Loved everything about it, the tuturkeykey, the gentleman and the jokes about LOST were just hilarious. And they still managed it to make it serious with the story behind Zoey being home alone on Thanksgiving, that gave the episode a warm touch in the end when they celebrated with her. Oh and did I mention that I think unwillingly I am alwys trying to avoid to become the Blitz?^^ I’m really having hard times skiping things cause I’m afraid I might miss something.
Miranda||2x02 Before I Die
If it wouldn’t be so funny I’d feel sorry for Miranda that nothing works out like she plans it. I loved the reading thing she did and though it didn’t look so good at first, it was really cute that the people came back to her to thank her. But good for her that she made it out if the odmother thing, I’m not sure if she is the kind of person that is the best choice as godmother. She is great, but with kids definitly too awkward.