Nov 21, 2006 01:05
i hate hate hate hate
it's a crowed hopkins shuttle and there are patches of grease on the windows where dirty ropes of hair have rested and some little shit in off colored dockers tightly cinched around his waist has to stand right the fuck next to where i sit. He has a wallet in his back pocket; the corner of it protrudes out and threatens to poke my eye out ever time he moves. the shuttle goes so slowly that he gets off and one stop and runs to the next where he gets back on. Each time he lookes back at the rest of the shuttleand beams as if this is the most delightfully zany thing he could possibly be doing and he is inviting us all to share in the fun. The windows are fogging with all the body heat which thankfully covers the grease marks but i am so hot so i try to take my jacket off but my arms a restricted by this morons stupid pointly docker ass. this is what it is like to go here