(no subject)

Jul 19, 2012 11:56

On night shifts atm and I've only had about 4 hour's sleep so this post may be less coherent than usual.

(also fun fact, the batteries in my watch apparently died at about 0230 this morning while I was at work, but I didn't realise it until about a half hour ago, when I was woken and thought I had slept through from 0730 to 1430. sad panda)

So I ordered a fabulous you beaut gaming headset from Razer which arrived today (at 1130, waking me up, thank you Australia Post). I was all bouncy and excited. Went to plug it in and set it up... no adaptor for Australian electrical outlets.



Goddammit I spent 300 friggen bucks on this piece of shit headset and now I can't even use the damn thing because I can't plug it into my wall. RARRRRRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!

Ahem. It is a very shiny piece of technology. It's wireless, and comfy (although heavy, will take some getting used to), it has 5.1 sound which I'm sure would sound awesome IF I COULD PLUG THE THING IN TO GET IT TO WORK, it came with a free baseball cap and an unlock code for the ME3 MP Collector Rifle (which may or may not have been why I bought the damn thing).

I just can't use it because it won't plug in to my outlet.

And I got woken up to find this out.


I sent an email to Razer support. I was really looking forward to being able to use it, too :(

Edit: it also turns out I need to get an RCA to 3.5mm cable and a 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable, which I apparently don't have lying around. Either that or I just can't find one because I'm too tired.

...I should just give up and go back to bed...

This entry was originally posted at http://drakontion.dreamwidth.org/90438.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

emo, gamage

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