- Note to self: stop reading the kink memes before you head off to work. It just makes you horny, and the rest of the day is that much longer and more boring and frustrating. Like it needed an excuse...
- Replaying DAII again after playing the crap out of DA:O and A and DLC makes me miss a really stupid thing: the moon. The moon in DAII is a blank disc. Boring. The moon in DA is a lovely, realised thing, with scars and craters and all, especially seen from camp and Lake Calenhad. It reminds me of several of the moons in Mass Effect, like Klendagon with it's Rift Valley. (trivia: apparently the scenery for Klendagon is a direct rip of Mars. Now I wanna go there too!)
- My mum accused me of not wanting to be touched. I've come to the realisation that this is true. I have an aversion to being touched, which may or may not be related to my social anxiety. It is to the point where I actively avoid touching people, and am acutely uncomfortable when someone touches me, often flinching away. I am sure this is a bad thing, but have no idea what to do about it, or even if I want to. Let's face it, no one wants to touch the fat chick anyway.
- I appear to have a telepathic connection to my supervisor at work. Yesterday I was due to start work at 1400, but rocked up at 1100 instead, despite having my roster plastered everywhere so I wouldn't miss it. I logged in and was like... crap. Then my supervisor wanders over and says "Oh good, you're here, I was meaning to text you to come in early!" *cue Twilight Zone theme* This is not the first time it's happened, either. Awkward. (the fact that he's a bit of all right, big geeky gamer dude and whatnot, but happily married only makes it even more awkward...)
- This song. youtu.be/NoXzDuNPGR8. I am in love with it. I wish I had abilities to make fanvids, because I am totally seeing this sung from Anders' point of view to female Hawke. Totally. Can you not see it???? I'd do anything to make you stay? Tell me what you want me to say? You want a revelation, some kind of resolution? No???? How about: Would you leave me? If I told you what I'd done? Would you leave me? If I told you what I'd become? It is totally Anders, agonising over his choice to destroy the Chantry and his conversion to Justice/Vengeance, and dragging a friendmance Hawke down with him. Totally. I wish I could make it.
Yeah, I gotta go to work.
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