So I finished the main questline in Skyrim this morning. I didn't really mean to finish it this quickly, I just kinda got caught up in the action lol. And it's worthwhile to mention that the main questline may be finished but I still have a buncha other ones waiting to be done. And I'm not even doing all the faction quests with this character - she is in the mages' and warriors' guild equivalents and joined the bard's college (hasn't completed that line yet though) but is not going near the Dark Brotherhood or the thieves guild, and neither has she picked a side in the war, so there's all that to explore in future characters. Yay!
So it took me 107 hours to get to level 45 (just short of 46, doh) with my sneaky dark elf Calamathiel (archery, light armour, one handed, stealth, and lockpicking favoured skills). She is the Harbinger of the Companions and the Arch-Mage. No other titles that I know of. She will also progress through the Bard's College quests and hopefully be the head bard, whatever they're called, and I think that plus Dragonborn will be enough for her. Oh, and she's a werewolf. Rawr.
I am not going to go into too many specifics but here are some fabulous things about the game.
* The scenery. I mean, you expect stunning visuals from an Elder Scrolls game, but there were seriously times when I paused in my endless mountain climbing and looked around and thought "wow". The wind, the grass, the sun... it was all amazingly done. Also: auroras. I loooooove auroras. And Blackreach. OMG.
* The NPC's accents. I love me some accents. Doesn't really matter what type, I just love em. Though I have to say, the lack of preponderance of American accents in the game was definitely refreshing. There were a couple of glaring exceptions where the strong US accent fit the character (Barbas, for example) but in general the Nordic tones were perfect.
* Also in addition to that: having more than 5 voice actors!!!
* Werewolves.
* The music. As per the scenery bit above. Standout musical moments: going into Blackreach for the first time and apart from standing there going "holy fuck" at the scenery, the haunting music playing behind it. Roaming across the tundra (avoiding giants), crossing little streams and jumping over rocks to catch butterflies, with lovely peaceful music playing. The Whiterun music. I could go on.
* Being so caught up in the game I literally would not realise that 12 hours had passed since I last ate or slept. Now that's a sign of a good game!
* Not being locked into a specific group of skills. You literally develop whatever you want, based on what you use. Awesome.
* Dual wielding weapons/spells. So cool!
* Running into some old friends again like Maiq the Liar and Sheogorath. Also reading references to what the "Champion of Cyrodiil" did during the Oblivion Crisis and sitting back and thinking, yeah, that was me! And finding poor Sinderion's body :(
* I got married!
And some bad things, because there always are.
* Followers. Ugh. You can't do anything with them, like set tactics, you can't take them over and direct them, and their default equipment doesn't level up. And then they die. Which leads me to...
* Dead followers crashing your wedding ceremony. I reckon I reloaded that about 5 times before I checked out a forum and discovered this glitch. Essentially, if you had a follower who died in your service at any point prior to your wedding ceremony, they will drop in. So to speak. And apparently dead bodies at weddings are Not The Done Thing. Luckily, my character was able to plead forgiveness with her chosen groom and all was well.
* Dragon spawning. Okay so this is random but seriously game do you HAVE to spawn a dragon on me every single time I emerge out of a ruin? Every time??? I swear they're camping out there just looking for adventurers to stagger out with 10 times their carrying weight of items so they can't run away...
* NPCs being completely bloody useless when dragons attack in populated areas. There were about 3 occasions where I ran through towns and a dragon attacked (I refuse to believe they attacked because I was there, lol). Pretty much every time the guards and/or locals just kinda sat there gawping and pointing, leaving the hard work up to me. Which is fine, I guess. But a little assistance wouldn't go astray!
* Mountains. As much as I love the scenery and I realise it's Skyrim, the bloody endless mountain climbing started to annoy me. Especially when I couldn't for the life of me find a way up. Console controls are my friend :P
* Lack of interaction with spouse. I'm not looking for "cuddle time" a la Mass Effect, but something would be nice. Also, you don't get the option to say you're married. There was one quest, I can't remember what it was now, but the NPC asks you if you have any family waiting at home, and you don't get the option to say "My husband." Grr.
* Lack of acknowledgement for just saving the world. Though admittedly I only just saved it...
And some random hilarious/cool things I came across:
* Exiting a cave where I'd just wiped out a bandit party I noticed something weird sticking out of the ground and wandered over to investigate. It was a horse's ass. Literally. Poking up out of the ground, tail flipped over. I REALLY don't want to think about what those disgusting bandits were doing with that...
* In one of the Mages' quests you go and save the local town from magical anomalies that have spawned there. So you gather up some of your mage colleagues and trundle off, spells equipped. After saving the town I turned around and burst out laughing - one of the mages had dominated/befriended a chicken as a familiar.
* Running across the tundra one night between Whiterun and Rorikstead I hear horse's hooves, which is a bit unusual as there's not a lot of horse riding happening by NPCs, and see a light. So I pull over and lo and behold, the Headless Horseman goes galloping past.
* One of the books you find is a Choose Your Own Adventure book. Hehe!
* Leaving a village inn there's a weird noise and then a figure drops out of the sky onto rocks and dies. I look up, no dragons. I have no idea what happened, but I wandered over and looted him anyways, lol.
Anyways there is more cool stuff but that will do me for now, I need to sleep, lol. All screenies are
here if you wanna see them, I seem to have not taken many via Fraps so am not posting them up in here separately.
Also, I have totally created a head canon for my character and her hubby's interactions. She married Farkas, who is a fellow Companion, also a werewolf, and the big strong two-handed wielding type. He proclaims himself to be dumb, (his twin brother puts it a little more kindly, but essentially says the same thing) but frankly we didn't see it.
In my head canon he's the strong, gentle type who handles her reverently and carefully because he's afraid he'll break her, at which she'll laugh and tell him to get on with it. She teases him about his cooking skills and shopkeeping abilities, not seriously though. She takes him on occasional adventures with her whenever he looks like he's getting too bored at home, and he makes disparaging remarks about the amount of lockpicks she goes through, to which she invariably says "I'd like to see you do any better!" She teaches him to sneak and he teaches her how to use heavy armour, even though she doesn't. By default when you check his inventory ingame he is always wearing your wedding ring, the Bond of Matrimony, even though to my knowledge he has no Restoration ability. So he's also the romantic type.
Once while heading up to Mzulft she was busy catching butterflies and didn't notice a wolf sneaking up on her (you'd think that with them both being werewolves the wolves would realise this, but no) and he one shot killed it for her. Awww! I also like to imagine that when she uses Healing Hands on him he gets a bit frisky... based on the tone he uses to comment on it. Something like, "Hey, that feels good!" LOL.
Even though he turned into a bit of a house husband after their wedding he still apparently kept up his Companions duties. Maybe because he was bored at home, I dunno. I ran into him with a couple of the other Companions up near Markarth, strolling along back towards Whiterun. No idea what they were doing or where they were going. He says his usual "It's good to see you, dear," line and I'm like... dude. WTF are you doing out here??? No option to stop him or anything though :( As they ambled off down the mountainside I caught myself thinking, stay safe.
Anyhoo. Totally going to get some sleep now, after all that. Enough rambling.
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