The Post-Christmas Update...

Dec 27, 2007 08:18

So, as materialistic as it is, Santa was very good to me this year.  I got a new iPod and could not be more excited. I also got some much needed new clothes and kitchen items. Not to mention getting to spend a lot of time with my family, which is always enjoyable.

I was thinking the other night when we were at my Dad's family's for christmas what point do families stop getting together with their extended family for holidays and make it just their immediate family? When the children are married? Once they have kids? Never?  My dad's family isn't that big, so even after we're all married, we could still comfortably enjoy christmas together. However, it feels like my mom's family is already busting at the seams with just the addition of boyfriends/girlfriends with a few of the cousins. But we always have so much fun together that I REALLY can't imagine a holiday without all of my cousins/aunts and uncles/grandparents. It's a hard part of growing up I suppose.

Work was rough last night. approximately 15 college kids came in, loitered for hours being loud, not buying anything, and making a huge mess. punks.

i'm addicted to farming today.
my nose is stuffy.
my head hurts.
i want someone to come make me waffles.
I love my life. I haven't been this happy since I was 17.
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