Kinda Annoyed

May 17, 2005 14:20

I'm going to start this post by saying "Yes, I AM an overachiever" and if you don't like that then quit reading.


So I'm kinda annoyed. The +/- system has completely screwed me up because now professors are as likely to give you an A- as an A (A-=90-92ish, A=93-95ish, A+=96-100) and yet are VERY UNLIKELY to give you an A+. For example, last semester I got 4 A's and an A-, which means that to keep my GPA where it was I needed to get at least one A+ this semester, but instead just got 5 A's (ironically, four of my papers for teachers who were using the +/- system were A+'s...) Now while I would have been happy before this +/- fiasco, now I only have a 3.95 GPA (bc I've gotten one B - HA! which WOULD have been a B+ (it was 89.9, b*tch) if the +/- system had started BEFORE - and one A-) ANYHOW...I only had one professor even OFFER to give A+'s. The rest just think that no one deserves an A+ because it's "better than perfect" in that it adds a 4.33 to your GPA and yet is supposed to fall at 96-100 on the grade scale or they aren't using the system at all. So that's just great. Research has actually SHOWN that the +/- system HELPS students who don't get straight A's and hurts those who do!!!!!!! That''s just fantastic, while we're at it, let's let everyone into medical school so we can have even MORE stupid doctors and just let mediocrity run rampant. F*ckers. So when I apply to grad school and they ask why I ONLY got A's (bc they'll see from my transcript that it's a +/- school) I can answer, "well, most of my teachers chose not to use the +/- system because it's up to the teachers to implement and those who did decided that an A+ is not a plausible grade for students at ASU because apparently we're all f*cking stupid." I can't wait to say that. It'll be great. What's even MORE fantastic is that it's the moron teachers in classes such as ceramics or yoga who like to give out A+s so it'll be the kids taking the easy classes (like tourism) who have higher GPAs. I hate ASU.
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