May 04, 2004 03:48
I don't know what's up with this Not-Answering-Me stint. I want answers, I need them. Don't tease me.
Of course. It could be that I've been awake for more than 43 hours, if you want to talk specifics. So each new minute feels like a new day. As I wait outside my e-mail box with bated breath. And soon remember that I checked it three minutes previous to this attempt.
Fin. That is ridiculous. Ahh. The thoughts of a new start, after final exams, after scheduled wakings-up, after afters.
This summer should be a winning one. Maybe I'll build a soapbox race car. And finally order the beautiful machine that is an ActionSampler. Nah, I'll do the latter this evening. Money in my pocket=fire hazard! Fin. That's it.
Dag yo. Ois'right, I just wanted to say it again, for good measure.