Here's more of
this fic. VI
The doctor gave Billy a photo of Dom sleeping. When Billy saw his scraggly chin and soft eyes, he broke down.
“Dommie…” he whispered, or he might have whispered. His whole body had been screaming that word for so long he couldn’t tell when he was actually saying it and when he was just thinking of it.
The doctor said Dom seemed to be doing well. The medication had seemed to stop the hallucinations.
“What hallucinations?”
“Well, when we spoke to Mr. Wood and Mr. Bloom they said he had been both seeing and hearing things that weren’t there. In fact, mostly he saw you.”
“Did you not notice these delusions?”
“I hadn’t seen him for a few…a while.”
“When will I get to visit him?”
“Soon, I think.”
“Well, I guess that will have to suffice.”
Dom lay on the floor. Again. When they first moved him in, he had not been allowed in the bed except at night, so he had spent most of his time wallowing. They finally got to the point where Dom had to be lifted on the bed at nights because he wanted to continue wallowing.
He began to get a little pain on one of his hips. It felt tender, like a bruise, only there wasn’t any coloring. One day, as he wallowed profusely, he felt the pain more acutely than ever. Sitting up, he removed his pants, and there was a bump on his pelvis. Dom poked it. It was squishy and white and it sent tremors of sensation through his body.
Dom continued pressing the bump. It hurt more every time. Finally, he squeezed it between his thumb and index finger until it burst with an orgasm of pain. He continued squeezing until all the pus was emptied.
He took off his shirt before he stretched himself out languidly on the floor. It felt good to be naked. He leaned over and took a bit of his upper arm between his two sharpest teeth and worried on the soft flesh there. It was a good kind of pain. When he felt he was finished, he fell asleep to a click scratch sound as he pawed gently at the wall beside him.