Hey Kid,You Now Officially Have Taste!

Jun 26, 2007 19:03

I never see any reason to use my livejournal anymore except for days like today when I like to organize my thoughts:

a)I realize I have officially developed a taste.

You know when you're little and you just listen/watch/wear whatever someone suggests to you? I'm beyond that.I'm a full fledged adult.I realized it today because I shut myself into my house for the whole Tuesday and did nothing but sit infront of my computer.

I realized I really like tv comedies with accents that are deadpan funny.I now have episodes of "Flight of the Conchords" and "Rob Brydon's Annually Retentive" in my favorites on youtube.The first is the weirdest most quirky hilarious thing I've ever seen.A two man band from NZ.I think I'm kind of in love with Brett even though he's not hot.The second is British and features a History Boy so I must love it.The guy who played Rudge is somehow attractive outside of The History Boys.

I realized I really like obscure books by well known writers that kind of cover all the questions I have about life without overdoing it.On b&n.com I bought Rushdie's "East,West" and Joan Didion's "White Album".I am excited about reading them.They are the "Sarah Taste".

I realized I really like music that is one,indie,two,a bit strange,three,has a nice beat.I call being a fan of a band/singer,being able to listen to more than three of their songs.I downloaded alot of stuff by Young Love and Cloetta Paris.Both are my new musical obsession.

b)I really hate being normal sometimes.

I am very abnormal most of the time.Then your ex-boyfriend IMs you in the middle of the night after not having spoken to you in two months and you realize you are normal.I miss him.But I do not want to get back together.By agreeing to hang out with him,I feel like I'm leading him on.Yeah...it's easy to feel like that when the first thing someone tells you after two months is that they miss you.

c)I am so glad junior year is over.

I loved the year non-educationally.I loved people this year,loved Rep,loved having the experience of a long term boyfriend.I hated the work.I hated college obsession.I hated not sleeping.Oh yeah,and I hated Physics.I'm glad it's over.I am worried about my report card.

d)Hunter is crazy.

Apparently that creepy skinny guy with the bin thing raped a 15 year old student at Hunter.Jen Yang showed me the article.It seemed like they both wanted it but that is CREEPY.What??????

e) I really hope I meet someone this summer.

I think the bad thing about breaking up with someone you've been dating for awhile is that you feel lonely.I miss having a boyfriend and I really want to have that feeling again.I just want it with the right person this time.

And so my thoughts are out.

I feel better :)
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