I'm Lovin' It

Feb 17, 2006 12:41

I find it funny that most times I remember my livejournal is when I have a free period at school.I so neglect it.

What happened this week?

- V Day...same old,same old.
- Andrew! AH!
- Electives! Holy shit...I got freaked out for no real reason.I've decided that I'm probably going to do AP American Lit for one sem. and Film in Society for the next.The other elective is still up in the air.
- Meeting with Ms Martin that went much better than expected...it comforted me.
- Report Card - for the first time in my life,I was not freaked out about getting it and I did pretty damn well...I love how this is the first year that i'm not killing myself about studying and I'm still getting awesome grades.

Btw..I love 10th grade.I realized that yesterday.I have a ton of activties(reminder to self: Feb 28 and March half day for Brick...block off) and my grades are awesome.I'm happy with everyone around me and with myself.My family situation is pretty good and my grandma is getting better every day.This has been like the best year for me so far of all my hunter years.I hope next year doesn't suck.

What the hell is Discord? A newspaper about what? I laughed because there was an article about Pete from his friend.Sarah caught me in the hallway to tell me about a Brick day and we laughed about the article.Seriously that guy Drew is obsessive.

I think I came to terms with the fact that I didn't have a valentine and it was fine.The only boy related valentine I got was from Luke on the thursday before the actual day.It was sweet but then again,we were doing a project with the kids so no real thought required.I love that the little girls love him.I think my crush on him is only little though.I think of him as more of a friend...guy to hang out with.

REGIS DANCE! OH! Entry about it tomorrow.

And my dad's birthday.I don't want to go to the cat circus but whatever.

taeda = torch...because tada is a drama program for kids who dance around and the little torches is a dance group.
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