Damn you Al Gore and your global warming voodoo! *shakes fist*

Jan 11, 2009 06:57

Hey, I gotta throw the blame on somebody *shrugs*

In LFV related news, I'm still not over the flu and classes start back on Monday. Yippity-frickin-doo.

This crazy ass weather is reeeeeeeeally not helping my case. Just when I thought that God was going to take pity on me by blessing me with last week's glorious warm front...

...he smites my ungrateful ass with his pointy stick of doooooooooooooom.

I know that this probably ain't nothin' compared to what the Yankees are getting, but this is freaking CRAZY to those of us in Dixieland. Especially when the highs last week topped in the 80's, yo.

Meh, this is too much to deal with at 7 a.m. Gonna go drown myself in some more Nyquil.


Somewhere on the vast Intarwebs there is a link/list that I am trying to wrack my brain for. It's something like "Most Common Misspellings" or something to do with roughly every single grammar faux pas known to humankind.

I cannot for the LIFE of my remember the site and I am too lazy to fire up the old desktop to find the bookmark. Plus I don't have a death wish; last time I flipped the power switch on that bad boy, the tower started smokin' o_O

If anyone has a clue what I'm rambling about, I'd be eternally grateful for a hint.
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