Jenn, you evil biatch with the surveys...

Jul 03, 2004 22:10

[Name]: Jennifer Lee Brouse
[Age]: 24
[Gender]: Female
[Birthday]: October 20, 1979
[Nationality]: Canadian, and damn proud of it!

[Hair colour]: Right now, crimson red.
[Hair style]: Chunky and layered and flippy, just to my shoulders.
[Eye colour]: Bluish greenish grayish. They change.
[Skin colour]: Pale peachy with freckles.
[Height]: 5'6"
[Weight]: 125 lbs
[Piercings]: Two in each ear, but they're closed up now.
[Tattoos]: Four-leafed clover on my right shoulder blade.
[Usually Wears]: Jeans and a funky top.

[Positive personality traits]: Honest, funny, open-minded, witty, thoughtful.
[Non-positive personality traits]: Impatient, intolerant at times, moody, self-doubting.
[Likes]: Cats, music, baths, books, chocolate, cigarettes, shopping, clothes, candles, photography, web design, graphic design, video games, reality TV.
[Dislikes]: Ignorant, arrogant, downright stupid people. I also don't like carrots.
[Fears]: Rejection, failure, getting old.

[Family Life]
[Lives with]: My boyfriend and my three cats.
[Sibling(s)]: None.
[Pet(s)]: Kiisa, Fatty and Chaton, my cats.
[Relationship with family]: My mom and dad are very close to me. We're very tightly knit.

[a dream is a wish your heart makes]
[Your initials spell out]: J.L.B.
[Have you ever owned a pet goldfish?]: I had some other kinds of fish but never a goldfish.
[Do you eat Goldfish?]: Not that I'm aware of...
[Your favorite birthday memory]: My 18th birthday party at my parents' farm. All of my friends from school came, we got drunk and stoned and played football in the field all afternoon. Then we had a bonfire and got more drunk and stoned and ran around rampant in the bush. Fun times.
[Moment you're most proud of]: The moment I stepped outside of myself to look at my life and realized that I deserved so much more than I'd settled for at the time.
[Moment you're most ashamed of]: Throwing that lamp at my mom's head when I was 15.
[Celebrity crush]: Jude Law.
[Non-celebrity crush]: Nobody.

[fill in the blanks, mofo]
[Pirates are]: Thieves on boats.
[Don't be fooled by]: Glamour.
[I'm too sexy for]: ALL of my exes.
[Courtney Love is]: In need of serious therapy and rehab and anger management.
[I'd like another]: Computer.
[I don't understand]: Japanese?
[Where have all the good people]: Got the acting lessons?
[Dude. Sweet. Dude. Sweet.]: DUDE!!
[Girls are]: Beautiful.
[Boys are]: Smelly.
[Only the _______ survive]: Smart.
[Can I get a booyah?]: Booyah?

[Name?]: Jennifer Lee Brouse
[Age?] : 24
[Location?]: Ontario, Canada

[Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: Yep.
[Whats his/her name?]: Chris
[Whats one word you could think of to describe them?]: Sweet.
[Whats the best thing they've ever done for you?]: Loved me for who I am, not who he wanted me to be.

[Fav movie?]: Thirteen.
[Fav person you know?]: Chris.
[Fav food and drink?]: Caesar salad and diet Pepsi.
[Fav shirt you own?]: Canadian Airborne Regiment t-shirt.
[Fav place you've been to?]: Victoria, B.C.
[Fav colors?]: Right now I'm really into pink and orange.
[Fav place to be?]: My parents' house.
[Fav store?]: Dynamite.
[Fav tv show?]: Law and Order.
[Fav song?]: Right now, 'Pass the Dutch' by Missy Elliot.

[Pepsi or coke?]: Pepsi.
[Chocolate or vanilla?]: Chocolate.
[Internet or phone?]: Internet.
[McDonalds or Burger King?]: Ew. Neither.
[Eminem or 50 cent?]: Eminem.
[Make up or no make up?]: I adore make up.
[Cat or dog?]: Cat.
[Spanish or French?]: French.
[Lights on or lights off?]: Off.
[Hungry or full?]: Full.
[Chocolate milk or hot chocolate?]: Hot chocolate.

[are you]
[Suicidal?]: Nope.
[Stubborn?]: At times.
[Open-minded?]: Yes.
[Arrogant?]: No.
[Patient?]: No.
[Hyper?]: At times.
[Nice?]: It depends on the day.
[Happy?]: Most of the time.
[Depressed?]: Clinically? Yes.

[who do you want to]
[Fuck?]: Chris.
[Kiss?]: Chris.
[Hurt?]: Everyone who has hurt me.
[Beat the shit out of?]: George W. Bush.
[Kill?]: Nobody.
[Hug?]: My mom.

[with the opposite sex]
[Favorite eye color on the opposite sex?]: Brown.
[Hair color?]: Dark.
[Curly or straight?]: Short enough that you can't tell.
[Tall or short?]: Taller than me, at least.
[Pale tan or in the middle?]: It doesn't matter.

[would you]
[Shave your head for $1000?]: It depends how much I need the money at the time.
[Cheat on your bf/gf?]: NEVER.
[Eat a bug?]: Nope.
[Be on fear factor?]: Hell no.
[Kill yourself?]: No.
[Cut yourself if you were depressed?]: No.
[Turn goth?]: I like colour too much.
[Dress up as the opposite sex and go out in public as a dare?]: Maybe.

[your friends]
[Who do you rely on most and could trust with anything?]: Chris.
[Whos your best friend of the same sex?]: Nobody.
[Whos your best friend of the opposite sex?]: Chris.

[Hobbies and stuff]
[What grade are you in?]: Ummm...16th?
[What kind of grades do you make?]: Straight A's.
[Do you like school?]: Most of the time.
[Are you involved in any sports?]: No.
[Whats your favorite subject?]: Photoshop.
[Whats your least?]: Business Grammar.

[Do you have alot of friends?]: Not anymore.
[What type of people do you hang out with?]: Mostly people in my class.

[Do you make friends easily?]: No.
[Are you outgoing or shy?]: Strangely enough, I'm outgoing.
[Do people find you funny?]: I make everyone I meet laugh.
[Do you have a positive out look on life?]: I try.
[Do you like to listen to what people say?] It depends who it is, and what they're saying. I take my parents' advice very seriously.

[Sport]: Hockey.
[Car]: Toyota Matrix.
[Clothing]: Jeans.
[Shoes]: My white Nikes.
[Book]: Tad Williams' "Otherland" series.

[Opposite Sex]
[What do you look for in a relationship?]: Respect and devotion.
[Looks or Personality?]: Anyone that says looks don't matter is either lying or blind.
[Does it matter that he/she is a different race?]: Of course not.

[Goals in life]
[What do you plan on doing for employment later in life?]: Senior web developer for a major company.
[Do you want to get married?]: Yes...
[Have kids?]: Not at the moment.
[If so, how many kids?]: One is more than enough, just ask my parents.
[What do you want to name your kids?]: Julia or Aidan.
[If you dont want kids why not?]: It's an 18 year sentence that I'm not ready to serve yet.
[Do you plan on going to college?]: Again? Maybe.

[Do you like cheetos?]: No.
[Do you do drugs?]: Not anymore.
[Drink liquor?]: Not anymore.
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