Who: Everyone, bitties and caretakers!
What: kiddie shenanigans
Where: an open park
When: 13 November
Warnings: enough cute to give you cavities
[ In a world where almost anything you imagine about comes to life, it's like a little kid's dream come true. And considering a kid's strong sense of make believe, almost anything could appear out
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Today? He's dressed in whatever was at the front of his closet because he needed to go find Roxas, fast. And that's a t-shirt, his scarf, and some jeans. He has a manpurse canvas tote bag next to him, filled with juice boxes, sweet and salty snacks, bottles of water... band-aids. He's the momma bird, after all. He takes out a water bottle for himself and cracks it open, taking a sip while still keeping the most watchful of eyes on the playground equipment]
Hi! I'm Yuuta and a little bit lost. You're the first adult I've seen except for on these computer things with the weird games but I wanted to talk to someone in real life and see if they knew anything about this place do you know anything?
Uh. hi. Yeah, we seem to have a lack of adults, now. What do you want to know?
Anything! Like, what is this place? And how can we dream stuff up? I dreamed up my mom's bookcase! That isn't possible, is it?
Well, this place is called Promenade. We come here when we dream, or so they say. So this whole place is a dream world, and you can "dream up" whatever you want. Like this-- [Axel holds out his hand and POP, there's a sea-salt ice cream bar!] Dreams are weird that way, you know.
But that doesn't make sense. Matter can't be created or destroyed. And if we were in a dream, couldn't I wake up?
[His face scrunches up, like he's trying to wake up, but... Nothing.]
It's a dream. Since when do dreams always obey the laws of physics? Besides, maybe the matter's being transported from somewhere else... you're too young to be thinking that kind of stuff. [cough] As for waking up, you got me on that one.
[He's gonna be a genius someday.]
But are you sure you don't know? Were there people before us? Or did everyone ere already dream this stuff up?
[Geez this kid. Axel doesn't have "real" emotions, so staying unannoyed is easy. But man. If he did? He'd be really snippy right about now]
There were people here before us, but I think they're dreamers, too.
Oh, okay. I'll still want to know how it works.
Then there are lots of people in this place and we're all sharing the same dream? How does that happen?
It's been a while, Axel. [Since they met face-to-face, at least.]
Ah, Aqua. Have a seat. [even though she already did. Just a formality!] Good to see someone still past puberty.
I know what you mean. I'm still surprised to be looking down at Terra of all people.
[She is no longer the shorter one. ...This is a new concept.]
Hah! Terra got hit, too? I didn't see that. I've been busy with Roxas, there.
No one ever expects a Vanish spell...
Aaahahaha! Look at him! Look at how gangly and awkward he is! Aaahahaha... I do not miss those years, not at all.
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