(no subject)

Nov 04, 2011 09:53

Who: yourmagicismine and YOU!
What: Graven's new and exploring the city.
Where: All around
When: Day
Warnings: None planned

Promenade was nothing like any city Graven had ever been to. Not even his home town of Luca or the ruins of Zanarkand could compare. The buildings were larger and closer together and just looked strange in general. Not being the only one in a mask was a little weird as well.

Hood up and casting most of his face in shadow, the fiend hunter was wandering the streets. He'd been given a lot of information to think about but he still wanted to see the city for himself. He just wished there were some fiends from back home to fight.

quorra: tron legacy, *graven: final fantasy x (oc)

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