I feel I'm going down and so disconnected [CLOSED]

Oct 04, 2011 19:43

Who: Cloud Strife (not_puppet), Ventus (endtome) and Roxas (dualstance)
What: Facetwins are visiting Cloud's PoS
Where: Aerith's church
When: backdated, 30 September
Warnings: cute things...?
Note: Posting order: Roxas > Ventus > Cloud ...?

No sleep until I am done with finding the answer )

cloud strife: final fantasy vii, *roxas: kingdom hearts, ventus: kingdom hearts

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endtome October 5 2011, 00:49:16 UTC
[Despite all the set backs, Ventus has come to his own in the days he's found himself living without a sense of touch. Heat and cold, the gentle touch of another hand against his skin-- none of it is there, anymore. It's like a piece of himself was left behind when he died, sacrificed to the abyss simply because something had to be; he finds he's okay with what he lost.]

[Because he also gained. Though he can't feel Roxas there, holding his arm, arm looped with his to stop the other from tripping over, he can feel the warmth of him in his heart, and that's what really matters.]

[But for Roxas, everything must be so much harder. He squeezes the other blond's hand gently, leading him down the street and towards the place that they'd been directed to.]

Almost there.


not_puppet October 5 2011, 05:57:59 UTC
[On hindsight, Cloud realized he should have gone to pick them up. So he decides to meet them at the beginning of the street. Just in case.

Seeing them help each other down the street, Cloud relaxes just a fraction.]

Hey. Alright there?


dualstance October 5 2011, 14:14:34 UTC
[ Some times it's still a little hard not to jump whenever he hears a new voice, even after adjusting to his blindness the last few days. The others he's gotten used to since he hears them almost everyday, and Ventus is always a welcome presence to him, the warmth the other just radiates and the light that he can't see but feel. Their connection helps in that regard as well.

But hearing Cloud for the first time in a while makes him tense a little before it finally clicks that it really is just Cloud, the older blond that he fought with during he monster attack last week. And he relaxes, knowing Cloud wouldn't do anything hurtful. The opposite really. ]

Hey Cloud. [ Roxas stands just a little closer to Ventus, another small reassurance that he's not alone. ]

Yeah, we're good. Right? [ That last part directed more to Ventus than anyone else. ]


endtome October 9 2011, 12:56:57 UTC
[It's been really rough on Roxas. Even walking here had been hard, each foreign sound making him tense and jump, and for Ventus, it makes his smile falter a little, every time. Roxas shouldn't have to be afraid of the darkness- shouldn't have to see the dark at all. He belonged in the light, with himself and Sora.]

[And Ven was determined to keep him here, as much as possible.]

Everyone's fine. You been okay?

[With all the events that have transpired lately, it's important to keep checking.]


not_puppet October 11 2011, 13:40:39 UTC
I lived.

[Behind those two short words were a host of emotions Cloud felt every time he remembered yet again that there were people that died in each catastrophe while he lived on.

Guilt. Regret. Anger. Self-hatred.

He should let go, he knew. But it was so hard sometimes.]


dualstance October 11 2011, 15:14:59 UTC
[ It's difficult to decipher all that Cloud means in just those two words, Roxas wondering how the older man has been since things went down. He may not have known the other long, but it always seems like Cloud has some kind of weight on his shoulders, a burden that's not really seen by anyone else but the man himself. Or so he thought.

But now that he couldn't see him, Roxas can't help but wonder. He'd partly relied on seeing people's faces with their emotions, and though he could never put a place on all of them, he could at least try. Now, not so much. ]

Well, you're here. That's all that matters now.

[ It's all in the past now and though they'll never forget, that's where it should stay. ]


endtome November 19 2011, 00:33:48 UTC
[Ventus eyes Cloud with the same, natural curiosity that he and Roxas often shared. Maybe he couldn't quite look into it as deeply as Roxas-- sometimes, knowing emotions so naturally cost you the gift of such insight, but it as easy enough to see the pain that lived there.]

[He had to wonder how much Cloud had really lived through.]

Like Roxas said- what you do with today; that's what makes you who you are.

Can't forget to live now too, right?


not_puppet November 20 2011, 13:14:31 UTC
[Cloud had lived twice now by someone else's sacrifice. This was something he had sworn never to forget. Their lives, their sacrifices...the live on in him.]

Some things should never be forgotten. But...you're right. We have to live in the present.

[He starts moving slowly towards the church again.] C'mon, we can talk more once we get indoors if you like.


dualstance November 22 2011, 19:13:23 UTC

[ Living in the present, that's all he's been doing since arriving in this place, in finding out that this isn't some simulated world like his Twilight Town had been. That he's here because someone for some reason brought him here and not because it's just another delay before he has to return to Sora. He has an existence here, one that he can call his own and he's been trying to live it as normally as he can.

But even peaceful times have their disasters, as evident by the past week.

Despite his blindness, Roxas is living, albeit a little differently than before. Having to rely on people is tougher on him, someone who's independent and would rather do things his own way. He's learning though, slowly.

Keeping his hold on Ventus, he waits for the other blond to start walking so that he can follow along. ]


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