Friendly Reminder - Day 3, 4, and 5

Sep 20, 2011 22:17

[You've toiled and struggled for the past few days, tiring and trying to stay alive. Some of you may have not made it, others watching you fall victim to the monsters and horrors of this realm ( Read more... )

!plot: friendly reminder, aina desrochers (oc): pokemon, katakura kojuro: sengoku basara, neku sakuraba: the world ends with you, soubi agatsuma: loveless, n harmonia: pokemon, chibiusa tsukino: sailor moon, lucy stillman: assassin's creed, xion: kingdom hearts

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THE CASTLE odosu September 21 2011, 02:25:53 UTC
[The stone walls still linger with vines, plant life easily pushing through the cracks and insisting on staying. Feral creatures still roam, and anything that moves is as good as chased and killed when it's seen.

Keep moving if you want to stay alive.]


vanagandr September 21 2011, 15:51:48 UTC
[ His pack is tired, injured, and there is little he can do for them when they're on the move. They don't like it out in the roads or the beach, and so Fenrir leads them to the castle gardens, ignoring the eyes and the dolls hanging from the trees as he finds a place for them to rest.

Wounds are licked, naps taken while he and several of the others guard, hackles raised. He is the largest, growing in size when he has to in order to take down anything that comes too close, that could cause too much damage. The pack eats serpent and arachnid, but he's no healer, not even proficient at first aid in his humanoid form.

He's be grateful for someone who is right now, but he won't turn away anyone looking for a bit of refuge. ]


saeptuose September 21 2011, 20:03:33 UTC
[ Luckily, Lior managed to actually eat while she was at the clinic and that nap she had while she was there helped up her magical energy, so she was more than ready to go out and help the injured again. Not that lack of magic would have stopped her anyway, but that's beside the point.

Once she had let Veles go and entertain himself with setting things on fire and harassing the locals, she found herself wandering around, fending off monsters when she had to and healing those that asked for her help ( and some that didn't ). It's no surprise that she eventually wanders across the pack of wolves, though the few on guard leaves her a bit wary at first. ]



vanagandr September 21 2011, 20:09:18 UTC
[ She's right to be wary -- they're all on edge at the moment, smelling of smoke and blood. She doesn't harm them, though, and Fenrir could smell her coming. Her scent is remarkably unique, even when mixed with that of a dragon (and he makes a mental note to find Veles and eat some whales later on and talk about how much fun this all was. ]

Hey Lior.

[ He pauses, turning his head to growl something at one of the wolves loitering near the serpent carcass before he shifts to his feet and goes to nuzz her, greeting her like a member of the pack. ]


saeptuose September 21 2011, 20:12:00 UTC
[ She exhales a sigh she didn't know she was holding, offering a small smile to the wolf as he approaches. Gently does she scratch behind his ears then, ]

Your friends look hurt. Do you need help?


vanagandr September 21 2011, 20:15:20 UTC
[ He tilts his head into her hand, tail lightly wagging as he licks her face. ]

They could use it. It'll be rough, though -- they're all jumpy.


saeptuose September 21 2011, 21:08:48 UTC
[ She can't help but chuckle at that, ]

I'll be as gentle as possible.


vanagandr September 21 2011, 21:45:45 UTC
[ Fenrir makes a low noise, calling one of the smaller wolves over to them -- smaller only because that means he can keep it in line. A frightened, hurt wolf is far more dangerous than a confident, healthy one.

This one is missing chunks of fur along its side, gashes from bony fingers laid into its skin. It looks up at Lior with a whine, but it won't disobey Fenrir. ]


saeptuose September 21 2011, 22:37:31 UTC
[ When the smaller wolf approaches, Lior kneels down, still with that kind - almost motherly - smile on her lips, pressing her fingers to the creatures wounded side. The magic seeps forth from the tips of her fingers, mending the wounded area easily. ] I'm sorry I can't do anything about the fur.


vanagandr September 22 2011, 02:38:14 UTC
[ The wolf she's healing shudders slightly at the touch, but doesn't pull away -- not with Fenrir's stern gaze locked on it. When Lior is done, it cautiously nuzzles into her hand before moving away. Several of the other wolves move forward now, curious about what has just happened. ]

It'll grow back.


saeptuose September 22 2011, 22:13:42 UTC
[ She remains kneeling on the ground, smiling still to try and soothe whatever worries the other wolves may have, ] There's no need to worry, I only want to help you. Seeing as you are Fenrir's friends.


vanagandr September 23 2011, 16:25:28 UTC
[ One by one, more of the wolves come over to the strange girl, nuzzling into her hands. Fenrir stands there, looking on like a proud father as his wolf pack meets part of his extended pack. ]


saeptuose September 25 2011, 01:12:41 UTC
[ When the wolves are close enough, Lior pets the one closest to her, stroking her hand back through the fur and healing whatever wounds they may have, then repeating the process for the others. ] There are quite a lot of you.


vanagandr September 25 2011, 01:18:22 UTC
[ Fenrir laughs slightly. ] We're social creatures.


ultimarecipe September 21 2011, 20:07:35 UTC
[ he's tired and quite sore from fighting for many hours without a break. sure, water and food breaks, of course they're there, but without rest, Sora feels weariness plowing him down. so he runs to the castle when he's had enough, about to drop. and then he sees--a pack.

he's surprised to see them, but he's--he's quite sure he knows one of them, so he toddles over. in a flash of light, his Keyblade changes to one that the other would remember, the strongest of his own. he looks around at the pack and then at Fenrir, and kneels down. ]

Are you okay?


vanagandr September 21 2011, 20:13:12 UTC
[ Fenrir is dozing when Sora comes upon them, the sounds of two pack members having a fight over a prime piece of spider meat ignored in favor of rest. He loves this, but he needs to be alert to take care of his pack, and they'll feel better if their Alpha rests.

One of the wolves on guard, a gray female with a fresh gash over her muzzle, growls slightly when Sora approaches. Humans aren't the threat right now, but they're all on the lookout in case that changes. It's enough to get Fenrir to lift his head, though, ears pricking as Sora and his Keyblade kneel before him. ]

I'm fine. The others could use a bit of looking after, though. [ And he tilts his head, studying the boy before continuing. ] You look like shit.


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