❝ it's like you said it's way too tough, we've gone away to make it out there all alone. ❞

Aug 03, 2011 15:47

Who: arethebettermen, bitchimmagneto, raventakeflight (CLOSED)
What: Bittersweet reunion of Charles, Erik and Raven.
Where: The Xavier Mansion
When: 8/02; Day
Warnings: SPOILERS for X-M:FC if you still haven't seen it and have somehow managed not to be spoiled already. May induce tearjerking, laughter, rage, and heartbreaking. Please, consult your doctor before reading this. Not suitable for ( Read more... )

*charles xavier: x-men first class, raven darkholme: x-men first class, erik lehnsherr: x-men first class

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arethebettermen August 6 2011, 00:49:23 UTC
"I'm glad that I haven't disappointed you in that regard then, my friend." Charles said to Erik, attention moving straight to Raven as she knelt beside him.

His eyes turned to his sister, staring at her yellow eyes with a small smile forming on his face. He honestly couldn't think of the words to express how much he had missed her. Four weeks in the hospital, then returning to the mansion with Moira to remember she wasn't there waiting for him was... it was harder than having to erase Moira's memories. There wouldn't be a young woman, red hair and blue skinned, or fair skin and blond hair, bouncing down the halls of the mansion with news that excited her. While Sean, Hank and Alex had been there, it wasn't like having the woman he grew up with there beside him. Having to remind himself about that just made his eyes water. He closed them, pushing the emotions to the side, just as he always did. That was how he ended up in such heated arguments with Tony and Noah.

"I'm fine, Raven. I promise." He said, even though it wasn't the whole entire truth. But, when it came to being paralyzed? He was fine. He wasn't upset about it. The ill feelings towards Erik didn't come from the accidental bullet to his spine.

Charles forced a smile on his face. "You're naked," he turned his head slightly to address Erik, "and that looks absolutely ridiculous. The pair of you leave and make the worst attire choices in the history of mutant kind."


bitchimmagneto August 6 2011, 05:27:16 UTC
He just watched, arms folded over his chest and no further movement made otherwise. He was never a very touchy feely person, so going over, hugging the man and apologizing would just be odd. That, since they were both men - even if Charles acted like a woman half the time - they had that sense of manly pride that wouldn't let him just blubber like an idiot. Not that he would to begin with, but it was just hard knowing that the other was now paralyzed for life in that wheelchair and it had been because of him. Though technically, if Moira hadn't started shooting at him it wouldn't have happened at all.

He knew he was trying to joke, or at least make light of the situation, but Erik also knew why Charles didn't like the helmet and it wasn't because it looked ridiculous. He hated it because he couldn't see into his mind and it was a symbol of mistrust. Granted, he had said he didn't trust the man outright that day, but who was to say he didn't trust him at all? He was his friend, his confidant. They weren't fighting a war right now.

"She's beautiful," he would reiterate time and time again, "How she rightfully should be. There's no need for her to hide and you of all people should understand what I mean," he glanced to the side with a sigh, "A shame you weren't around to give your opinion on our fashion choices earlier."


raventakeflight August 7 2011, 00:21:00 UTC
That deeply personal look briefly exchanged between Raven and Charles was more than enough to tide her over until they had some time later to speak privately. She could already see the surface of just how deeply he had longed for his sister these last two months, just as he could likely read on her face that being away from his was much harder than she'd suspected it would be. She was terribly happy with Erik, of course, and couldn't wish for more, but gaining one amazing man does not simply fill the void of losing another great one. Especially one that had been such a prominent piece of her life up until a few weeks earlier.

Those few words to very little to comfort her. Charles was fine? Well, the blue woman certainly didn't believe that story in the slightest, but again, it would wait until later when they were alone. It was way too difficult to ask about with Erik around and Raven had no intentions of hurting him by thoughtlessly inquiring about it. No, it would come later.

Besides, if it was as difficult to leave here as the current residents seemed to believe, Raven and Charles had plenty of time for a proper reunion later.

"As if you've ever had much of a fashion sense in the first place, Charles." With a teasing smile, though that hint of sadness at his situation was still difficult to fully push away, she stood up to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Is everything still in the same place as always? The kitchen hasn't moved?"


arethebettermen August 7 2011, 00:55:53 UTC
"Well, my dear sister, even I know it's a littler ridiculous to be walking around in a cape." Charles chuckled lightly, smiling at her then looking back to Erik. "You would not have followed my advice even if I was there, Erik. You rarely take my advice as it is." The last bit was added sadly, glancing down before putting his hands on the wheels of his chair and nodding for Raven to step aside.

"Everything is as it was. Though, one of the vases is broken. One of mother's favorites. I simply haven't bothered to fix it yet." Charles said as he pushed himself away from the desk, motioning for them to move to the kitchen. It was a comfort zone when it came to Raven, because that was where they met. Then he looked back to Erik. "Hiding and modesty are different, Erik." Although he knew there was no point in asking Raven to dress, which was why the last comment was tacked on playfully.

"We should move to the kitchen. Even if this is a dream, we still need to eat."


bitchimmagneto August 8 2011, 07:31:19 UTC
He was so...uncomfortable joking like this. Especially with the guilt still weighing heavy on his shoulders. Erik was far too proud to get off his high horse for a few seconds and try to play along with this. Just like Raven wanted to speak in private to Charles, so did he, for various other reasons that the blue skinned woman did not need to hear. For banter that would surely turn ugly given how different their viewpoints were on pretty much everything.

"And what would you have chosen if not a cape, Charles? Do enlighten us as to what I should be wearing," he rolled his eyes a bit as the man wheeled past him, averting his gaze and trying his best not to stare at the wheelchair because it hurt and he hated it. They were on opposing teams now and he felt so bad for the man he once called a friend. Hell, they were still friends. ...Sort of.

He walked behind him, saying nothing more on the matter and folding his arms over his chest. If Charles could read his mind he would know that there was too much going on in there for him to form into a proper sentence at the moment.


raventakeflight August 11 2011, 01:04:08 UTC
"It broke? The bright, ugly vase? The one we always wanted to break ourselves just to get it out of sight?" Raven let Erik trail behind them without complaint, choosing to walk besides Charles for the time being. She just really wasn't ready yet to let her dear brother go quite yet. Not with all these mixed emotions still running through her mind. "Well, who finally beat us to it?" But really, does she even need to ask? Even after so long away from the man and his 'X-men', she could make some accurate guesses on just who was at fault this time...

Her attention, however, jumped away from the talk of broken vases and bad fashion choices at the mention of a single word. Dream.

Her gaze focused on Charles, taking in his expression. "You weren't joking about this all being a dream, were you?" It was ridiculous sounding and just plain stupid, but Raven had always been able to tell when the man was playfully joking around and when he was being dead serious.


arethebettermen August 11 2011, 04:40:20 UTC
Charles glanced over his shoulder at Erik. "I rather preferred the suits that Hank made us. Although," he nodded towards the cape and helmet, "it might me be best if you change the yellow and black to your new found colors." An eyebrow raised as he said the last comment. He would ask who gave Erik the idea for the colors, though he had his suspicions on who it was already.

"A friend of mine here in the city." Charles answered Raven's inquiry as he rolled himself into the kitchen. Noah at least had some rather good AIM as she was blundering about the mansion unable to feel anything. "I was completely serious, Raven. Did you not see the mirror?"


bitchimmagneto August 11 2011, 21:45:48 UTC
"Unfortunately, I didn't have Beast around to assist me when this was being made," it was unfortunate, but not because of the suits he had made or anything, but because Beast hadn't sided with him. The ones that remained, while they may have chosen the wrong side, were still extremely important to Erik. They were brothers after all.

He lifted a brow up, "Why am I not surprised you're already making friends, Charles? Is that really wise in a city like this?" well, probably. Making friends would be better than making enemies considering they were all stuck here.


raventakeflight August 13 2011, 05:03:18 UTC
"Yeah, I mean it would have been pretty difficult to completely miss altogether." But that doesn't exactly mean that a smart girl like Raven would have fallen for the razzle dazzle of a 'magic mirror' right away either. They were mutants, after all, for God's sake. They had seem a lot stranger things than a silly trick glass before. "It kind of gave me the creeps." But if Charles, after over a month of living here, was completely assured they were in a dream, that was more than enough evidence for her. She would trust his word over nearly anyone else, with the exception of Magneto, of course.

"And yes, I heard quite a bit about the various friends you've already made here." But somehow, she'd completely missed any and all word of whoever this Noah girl was. No doubt she would find out soon enough.

She flashed a smile to Erik, showing the man she hadn't forgotten about him. "Erik and I spoke to quite a few of them already. There are already more mutants here than I would have expected." Granted, there were also some perverts that she'd much rather avoid...


arethebettermen August 13 2011, 06:05:34 UTC
"I'm not entirely sure they are mutants in the same way we are." Charles said as he turned the wheelchair to face them once they entered the kitchen. He had become quite skilled in maneuvering it. "They are certainly people with abilities and we should reach out to them to help them. This I won't disagree on."

He gave a gesture for them to take a seat at the table. It was an unspoken way of making themselves comfortable. "Erik, please. Remove that bloody helmet. It's ridiculous."


bitchimmagneto August 13 2011, 09:40:01 UTC
So this really was some kind of dream world. It was increasingly more believable the more he heard about it, what with the ability to literally dream up things out of nowhere, but there had to be some kind of explanation. If there was, he would find it, so help him he would, "There's no need to worry yourself over it," he assured Raven as best he could, offering the smallest of smiles in response to the one she gave him.

Then his attention was drawn back to Charles and he took a seat at the familiar table, keeping his face as stoic as possible without letting the overbearing emotions weigh him down. It was painfully obvious in his eyes though, that something was bothering him, "How is that any different then? That one young girl I spoke to, Rapunzel, said that humans had been cruel to her, just as they are to us. Should we not look at her as one of our own? If only because she is different and has faced the hardships we still have to deal with regularly?"

Reluctantly he lifted his hands up, slowly pulling the helmet from his head and setting it down on the table. Call it a silent truce between them for the time being, or call it pure respect for his friend. Whatever it may have been, he did it.


raventakeflight August 14 2011, 22:15:28 UTC
Ah, how wonderful it felt to be home again. Raven's delighted smile only brightened as the trio stepped into the Xavier kitchen. There may still be a lot of tension lingering in the air, but how could the young woman complain when she was finally together again with her two favorite people? "Exactly. Even if their abilities don't manifest in the same way as ours, they are still mutants like us." In a way. "And, from what I've heard today, it seems like we could use all the help we can get to plan our escape from this place."

As Erik surprisingly removed that unique helmet of his and made himself comfortable at the kitchen table, Raven knew for a fact that Charles would respect the privacy of his friend, just as he had always so kindly done for her. He was too honest of a man to betray their trust like that.

And oh please, Professor Xavier. Raven has spent more than enough time in this kitchen to feel completely at ease. She waved the man in the wheelchair towards the kitchen table to join his friend. "What can I get you both? Tea? Something to eat?"


arethebettermen August 15 2011, 04:10:18 UTC
Charles gave the two of them a rather pointed look. "As always, Erik, if you listened to what I said rather than listening to what you want to hear, I said that they are not mutants like us. That in no way makes them less deserving of our help or even more deserving. All of us in this city find ourselves in the same position, mutant or not. I have already offered to help several with their abilities." He looked over at Raven. "Tea is fine, Raven. Thank you."

Then his eyes settled on the removed helmet. He somehow managed to keep his face expressionless, even if he felt nothing but disdain for the item. It wasn't that it blocked his telepathy, it was what it stood for in his mind: distrust. He understood the need for the helmet, after all there were telepaths such as Emma Frost, or even in the city ones that Erik shouldn't be opening his mind to. But still, it was the comment that had come before him putting the helmet on his head. 'But I don't trust you.' He had told Erik that he wouldn't make him stay, why would Erik feel as if the bloody thing was needed?

Charles shifted uncomfortably before daring to look up at his best friend. He could feel Erik's mind again but purposely kept away from it, just as he had with Raven. It made him feel alone in that manner that only telepaths did, and his fingers curled on the arms of his wheelchair slightly. It was clear the two men had things to talk about but were holding them off for the sake of the blue woman in the kitchen.

"Mutants can be cruel to each other just as much as humans can be cruel to us or to each other. That is something the both of you must remember."


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