pishirogane and whoever crosses her path
What: Exploring Promenade and taking visual assessments
Where: Random places around the city
When: Morning to mid-Afternoon
Warnings: Depends on those who join. Might get wordy at least.
Note: Action or Prose is okay.
Today is pretty much similar to any other day. People are walking along the streets of this City of Dreams, their various masks adding more color in the streets and dialogue adding to the noise... though, there is one to note in the crowd.
The small figure with the
mask of white, black, and blue somehow still with a cabbie hat affixed upon their head. They're not in the crowd nor are they in the shadows. They just... happen to be standing aside all the bustle and writing in a small notebook. Nothing is appearing on the network so it's obviously just a normal book. For a moment longer they stand there, but then the book is snapped shut and they turn away to head off elsewhere. Maybe you're curious, maybe they're in your path... whatever the reason, meeting might be imminent.