When I walk alone in the street (So very open)

May 12, 2011 18:35

Who: Musetta and oh-so-very open~
What: Taking a walk
Where: A stroll in some park. Or around town.
When: Afternoon
Warnings: None yet~~
It makes me happy~ )

*musetta: la boheme, katakura kojuro: sengoku basara

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loyaldragon May 16 2011, 22:40:34 UTC
Kojuro was hardly the type to be considered 'modern', at least by the standards of the people here. To most, he was the distant past, a samurai from the 1600s in Japan. He had no plans to discard the samurai armor and regalia, especially with the threats which loomed in the area.

While out and about, he took to observing people. As a strategist, this wasn't too unusual for him. He took to a bench today, a cup of green tea warm in his hands, watching people go by, wondering how many of them were locals and how many were like him. Displaced from home. And someone different walked by, someone undoubtedly displaced like he was.

He watched her pass by, sipping tea from a clay Japanese cup.


theystare May 16 2011, 23:35:45 UTC
Musetta hardly gave the gentleman a second glance at first, until it clicked in her mind that something was off... The man she had walked by was definitely another like herself. She glanced back at him over her shoulder and inspected his clothing through her long lashes. Oh no, he was not like the others at all.

She paused and turned around, tilting her head and offering him a charming smile. Either he was to attend a costume party or he was from a different time than many of the others. "Monsieur," she greeted him airily, taking the moment to adjust her mask. "You would not find it terribly forward of me, I hope, to inquire if I may sit with you for a spell or not?"


loyaldragon May 16 2011, 23:56:32 UTC
He returned to his tea when she'd turned to walk away, but looked up when she approached. He took a moment to look at her outfit, formulate where she might be from (though he came up blank), if she might be concealing any weapons.

Regardless, Kojuro offered her a slight bow in greeting. "You may," he replied, sliding over a bit to the right so his katana hung off the right side of the bench. He tended to have people sit or stand on his left as he was left-handed. His responses were better with that side.


theystare May 18 2011, 01:16:43 UTC
If Musetta could read minds, she would have laughed at the mere suggestion that she may be concealing a weapon. Only if her sharp tongue were considered one would the answer have been yes.

She fluffed out her skirt and sat next to him, flashing him a bright smile. "Merci..." she cooed as she closed her parasol and rested it next to her. "That is... quite the garment you are wearing, if I may say so."


loyaldragon May 18 2011, 01:29:05 UTC
Kojuro wasn't entirely sure where she came from but the foreign words sounded more western than eastern. His knowledge of foreign lands and languages was severely unlimited, unfortunately.

"Hardly unusual for a samurai," Kojuro replied. "Though," he added, "samurai are hardly ordinary here."


theystare May 18 2011, 02:32:51 UTC
Musetta's eyes lit up. "A samurai? I have only ever heard stories about samurai."

She flashed him a bright smile. "In France, samurai are far from the ordinary as well... I am sure you have become used to the strange looks you must get..."

She paused a moment and daintily held her hand out. "I am Musetta."


loyaldragon May 18 2011, 02:41:34 UTC
"That seems to be a common idea here," Kojuro commented. "I can't say I'm used to the staring." No one really ever stared at him before. He was relatively well-known as Date Masamune's strategist, but that was about it.

"Katakura Kojuro, chief retainer of the Date," he introduced himself with a slight bow then paused to blink confused at her hand. He looked at her, unsure of what her intentions were.


theystare May 20 2011, 00:04:49 UTC
"Well, my dear, if you were to wear that around... Say.... Paris? You would get quite a bit of stares," Musetta assured him softly.

She grinned, baring her teeth, as he stared at her hand. "Generally, at least in polite Victorian society, one will daintily grasp a lady's hand when it is presented," she informed him politely before retreating her hand. "I understand, however, that this is not Victorian society and you are not from it as well. My sincerest apologies..."

She paused a moment and tilted her head. "I have never heard of the position you boast, Mssr Kojuro... Chief Retainer of the... Date? I'm fascinated, please do tell..."


loyaldragon May 20 2011, 00:24:27 UTC
"In the Land of the Rising Sun, it's proper to bow," he informed her. "Seems our customs are rather different." He'd never heard of grasping someone else's hand as a greeting. That seemed far too aggressive for a casual greeting.

"I am Date Masamune-sama's right hand," Kojuro replied. Well, right eye, in his lord's case, as his right eye was missing from an infection years and years ago. But the term retainer seemed to be something many didn't quite have in their home lands. "The highest ranked samurai in his ranks, if you will."


theystare May 20 2011, 00:35:50 UTC
"We learn something new each day, it would seem. I look forward to putting this into practice when next we meet," Musetta grinned.

Her lips rounded slightly as he explained his position, then she flashed another smile at him. "What an honor... I cannot say that I could ever even hope to hold such a position."


loyaldragon May 20 2011, 00:49:22 UTC
"Indeed we do," Kojuro replied. He was an intelligent man, expanding his internal library of information. He was a strategist. Knowledge was part of his job.

"It is a position which requires honor and diligence." Kojuro held honor and dedication to an incredibly high standard.


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