starting to move on a bit

Apr 15, 2011 11:01

Who: Yuuta, OPEN
What: Yuuta decides to test this 'City of Dreams'
Where: In some empty lot in the city
When: After the VC event; daytime
Warnings: None at the moment

Yuuta sighed, rubbing his eyes as from under his mask as he walked the streets. Whatever those things were, Vengeance Children apparently, had thoroughly freaked him out. He should have noticed something was up when his brother insisted that he go to bed. Usually Haruto just reminded him once or twice not to stay up too late and then would turn off his light at a certain time, but that was years ago.

All the same, he wished Haruto were with him. If he ever needed some support, it was now.

Sitting down in an empty lot, he wondered why people called this place the ‘City of Dreams’. Some people seemed to come and go at will almost, but he had a feeling that these people just dreamed and left when they woke. Another thing that caught his eye was how specific buildings and parts of the city came and went as well, or how some of them seemed utterly out of place, like a specific location from someone’s memory.

Thinking for a few more moments, and idea occurred to him. As long as it wasn’t drastic or too large, he could probably create something himself. He needed some sort of niche anyways, otherwise he would continue to feel lost and out of place. Maybe it could even serve as a ‘headquarters’ of sorts for him to gather more information about the City and maybe meet someone from the resistance. He wanted answers.

The King and Queen certainly weren’t going to give them to him or let him go.

Focusing, he closed his eyes and drew up as many details as he could-and smiled when a small bookstore stood before him.

[OOC: I hope this is within the rules! While Yuuta might have a place of solace in his application and what not, he hasn't gone about making it yet, and is just focusing on making himself a reason for staying here for the time being. Feel free to ask him what the hell he is doing, buy some books, bother him in some way, insult the store... Anything goes!]

*yuuta matsukawa: original character, lucifer: supernatural

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