
Feb 22, 2011 08:38

Who: Cou and You!
What: Introductions, general durping
Where: Somewhere in the city near some taller buildings
When: Mid-afternoon
Warnings: None, save for some tl;dr in the opening

After a somewhat confusing start to his stay here, Cou decided that getting a feel for his new home -for however long or short he'd be staying here was important. And after spending the earlier part of the afternoon getting jostled around at street level, he didn't waste much time in locating some place with a view -and to his good luck, said spot in question was a peculiarly cozy little cafe situated on the fifth story of a building not too far from where he'd started. So a sandwich, a cup of soda and a parfait later, he found himself grinning widely as he leaned against a railing and looked out into the city.

The building wasn't very tall, but it still offered a superb view of the people going to and fro below him, of all the sights and sounds of a city that to his amazement, completely dwarfed even Nad Lezen by an overwhelming degree. And to his excitement, off in the not-so-far distance, there were even taller buildings. The pirate was certain that he'd be exploring this place for months; there was no telling what there was to be found within it.

Unfortunately, it seemed that even in a world of dreams, luck was not always with the displaced air pirate. As he continued to lean on the railing, much to his genuine shock and vocal dismay, said railing came loose and he plummeted from where he stood. Thankfully though, he was as quick as ever and whatever brought him here didn't see fit to take his treasure from him. And in a flash, Angel was in his hand just until he saw an appropriate bit of architecture to catch it on. In a second the line went taut and suddenly, instead of falling down, Cou was swinging right into the building face.

Legs flailing and the pirate was fairly confident that he knew what he was doing. And to his relief, he found that rather his movements shifted his momentum, instead of slamming into the building, he ran across it. Having avoided one mishap, he slowly gave his line slack as he swung outward, getting ever closer to ground-level, but at an appreciably slower pace. Heaving a sigh of relief, he found himself smirking as he realized that he was now just above head-level and most of the crowd was giving him an extremely wide berth as he swung about.

And that's about where he'd realized he'd gotten a little too distracted enjoying the view while dangling downward. Because that's about when he began his swing back toward the building and the glass front that composed its lower levels. He'd normally have just performed his little trick again, but that was glass and the idea of crashing through it either way just didn't sit happily with him. So he panicked, flailed and tried to wiggle however he could manage to try and change his course with no effect.

On a positive note, apparently no shop keeper in their dreams with such a store seemed to like the idea of that glass front being shattered into a million pieces. So instead, as Cou swung into the building, he just planted face-first into it like a bug on a windshield... just thankfully, his swing was slow enough that he didn't look seriously injured.


That was about the only word he could really utter as he almost comically peeled off and then dangled in the air. It wasn't the worst pain he'd ever felt by any stretch, but it was one that he had a hunch was going to linger. On another plus side? His mask was still perfectly intact.

rapunzel: tangled, *cou: elemental gelade

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