cake_and_dreams and anybody else
What: D has brought home some sweets for everyone so that he can meet the people he lives with. Come have some tea!
Where: House 7, first floor.
When: Day time - morning.
Warnings: Diabetes may result from reading this log.
[D is sitting on the first floor at the kitchen table - which is currently
piled high with sweets. He is eating a piece of some kind of pie, and looks to be in utter heaven. The sweets? They smell fantastic, and this trap made sure to bring enough home for everybody. The other members of the house can probably smell them from anywhere in the house, and people walking by outside can certainly smell them as well.
Everybody's more than welcome to come downstairs and have some. There is tea on the counter. Help yourselves!]
(ooc: Threadjacking welcome, people from other houses welcome too.)