Fight CLub Roster...I need a better name for this :|a

Feb 04, 2011 17:28

Who: Kurosaki Ichigo, and anyone who wanted in on this post
What: Faito evaluation, and learning
Where: All over Promenade
When: Starting during the day
Warnings: Violence, and Ichigo's mobile swear word zone.

They fought the line/ One at a time )

date masamune: sengoku basara, krypta notte: original character, jarlaxle: forgotten realms, ezio auditore: assassin's creed, *kurosaki ichigo: bleach, harry dresden: the dresden files, kuchiki rukia: bleach, blaine: glee, emily madsen: original character

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gumshoewizard February 5 2011, 01:05:22 UTC
Harry finally winds down enough to come to a stop, leaning over and breathing hard, giving himself a few seconds to recover, he pulls an old timey pocketwatch from his pants pocket and clicks it open.

"An hour, not too bad," he announces between breaths, reaching over and scratching behind Mouse's ears. The canine sat down beside his master, panting with his massive tongue lolling out of his mouth and nuzzling the wizard's hip. Harry rolls his eyes and keeps scratching behind his ears. "I hear ya, breakfast time, isn't it?"

Mouse lets loose a trumpeting bark, which for his size, seems to be normal. But the man narrows his eyes, long face drawing together in concern. The dog barks again and turns around, nose pointed up into the air...right at Ichigo no less. Another bark, this one deep and reverberating enough for Ichigo to feel in his heels as the wizard cocks his hand back, the braided ring on his hand glowing dully as he follows the dog's pointing up to the shinigami. Dark eyes give him a glance over real fast, but never lingering on his face for more than a second. The kid - whoever he was - didn't seem aggressive, just...watchful. Harry lowers his arm, but the faint gleam of the ring doesn't fade.

"You know, standing on roofs and looking at people makes ya kinda creepy-looking."


savior_n_black February 5 2011, 01:16:55 UTC
Surprised by being sniffed out, so to speak, by such a MASSIVE dog, Ichigo just blinks down at the wizard. He noticed the way Harry had cocked his hand back, and though Ichigo didn't know what Harry was planning, he could notice a defensive posture easily enough.
In response, Ichigo held both his hands up, palm out, in a classic "I come in peace" pose.

"A-Aa. I wasn't meaning to spy on you."

And, standing up, Ichigo blurs into shunpo long enough to make it to street level. Touching down a healthy distance from that mountain of fur, and teeth, Ichigo looks warily at Mouse, but speaks to Harry.

"...So is your dog taking you for a walk?"


gumshoewizard February 5 2011, 02:04:31 UTC
Harry took an instinctive step back when the kid suddenly appeared from the roof to in front of him. Bringing a portion of his will into his shield bracelet to make sure it was at the ready and gave the orange-haired kid a raised brow. Sorry kid, nothing against you, but Harry is (justifiably) paranoid, and until he knows you, anything that looks like its going to be able to take his head off before he could blink is going to be treated like an armed nuclear warhead.

Mouse, however, just stands by Harry's side and watches the shinigami with a nonplussed smile and lolling tongue.

"You know what they say, gotta exercise your humans or they're impossible to train." Shit, the kid looked normal, was walking around in the sunlight like anyone else. But then again, a lot of monsters could wear convincing masks.


savior_n_black February 5 2011, 02:17:06 UTC
"Do you get biscuits, and have to sleep in the doghouse, instead?"

Ichigo did his best to keep his expression neutral, but it always made him want to squirm uncomfortably when someone was creeped out by Ichigo showing anything but what was strictly in the realm of 'human'. Still, he keeps his eyes on Mouse, and tries to smirk.

"Kurosaki Ichigo. Hi?"

Ichigo is keeping his distance from both Harry, and the dog, still.


gumshoewizard February 5 2011, 02:30:38 UTC
And Harry's perfectly fine with that at the moment.

"Only if I roll over. Great belly rubs, though." Giving the kid a quick once over - he was wearing samurai pajamas or something - he noticed the wrapped extension of something poking over the kid's shoulder which lead his eyes down to the object's end that hovered just to the side of the opposing side's knee. Holy hell, that was one massive... massive sword.

A trickle of worry poured into his gut, something lightning quick and cold. But Harry pushed it away and kept his face straight. In this mish mashed nightmare, there were a lot of people who carried swords, lots of people who could move with preternatural speed. Don't go thinking this kid's a murderer just yet, Harry.

"Harry Dresden," he replied with a nod of his head. Then, a blink as the boy's name trigged something. "You're the kid wanting to get the boxing club or whatever together, right?"


savior_n_black February 5 2011, 02:35:48 UTC
Dresden...Dresden...Oh, wait! Ichigo recognized that name.

"Yeah, that's me. And you're the guy who knows about hypnotism - er, 'mental compulsion' - right?"

Ichigo seemed to perk up at finding one of the people he meant to check out today. His smirk upgraded to a slight smile. If he had known what Harry was thinking, regarding whether or not Ichigo was a killer, would have offended Ichigo in the extreme.


gumshoewizard February 5 2011, 02:43:33 UTC
You try spending the past few nights unable to sleep, seeing nothing except the headless corpses of two innocent women whenever you closed your eyes and see how you react to someone who could possibly fit the suspect's description. Harry's got a chivalrous streak (or chauvinistic streak, depends on who you ask) about the size of the Marinaras Trench - it makes him even angrier to know that this person chose victims who had little to no chance of fighting back.

"Uh, yeah. Hypnotisms' a really big way of glossing it over, but that's me."


savior_n_black February 6 2011, 23:43:53 UTC
Not saying that it's not a little understandable to be paranoid, just saying Ichigo would be deeply offended that anyone would think he was capable of hurting - much less killing - innocent girls.

" wanted to talk to you more about that."

But pointedly staring at the Shetland pony in a dog suit. Ichigo is not keen on the idea of having to get too close to that thing. Nor what he might have to do if Mr. Mouse decided to use him as a chewtoy.


gumshoewizard February 7 2011, 00:25:27 UTC
"Alright, what do you want to know?"

Harry, deciding that if the boy was a killer, he'd have plenty of time to have lobbed his head off and been on his way with none the wiser...except Mouse. He motioned with his head towards a bench a bit behind Ichigo. No point in standing up like this. He was going to just walk home after he reached his traditional mile in eight minutes. Plopping down on the wooden slats, Mouse laying down beside him on the sidewalk.

"I mean, fighting off mental compulsion's not an easy task."


savior_n_black February 7 2011, 00:33:40 UTC
Ichigo edged a little closer, warily watching the dog. Jeez, even laying down the thing was a mountain of fluff!
Harry, you might want to tell the boy that Mouse won't jump up, and chew his face off the moment Ichigo gets close enough to sit down.

"Uh-huh. Well, where I'm from nobody has been able to break through that guy's hypnosis. The guy I told you about, I mean.

Er, he's called Sousuke Aizen."

The last part is added belatedly, since Ichigo figures if they're going to be chatting about his power, it would help for Harry to have a name.


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