You've broken my leg.

Apr 18, 2008 21:54

There is a reason why God centered our feelings in the middle of our bodies. If He had put them in our legs the world would be full of wheelchairs. The strongest and healthiest among us would be on crutches. In this world only Jesus would be able to walk without a limp.

Can you imagine this world?  Where people on cell phones suddenly pitch forward, arms flailing, desperately trying to protect their faces. Where a face to face confrontation ends with the two parties circling each other by dragging their bodies about with their hands. Where meetings at work, or church, or public institutions always ended with no one able to get up from their chairs and those that tried would only succeed at banging their chins against the tabletop on their way down.

I suppose that in such a world one would be more careful of what they said. Sadly, I think we would instead just simply refuse to listen even more often than we do now.
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