Nov 02, 2004 18:28
welp i voted today. i hope bush wins. i been praying for him. we really need a christian leader. and hes the man to do it lol. i dunno if i agree w/ the war in iraq but other than that, hes been a good pres. but its in God hands. so yeah
today was a pretty good day. i took a nap! ooo i needed it i been really tired lately and im sick again. this hasnt been a great year for me health wise. i been gettin sick a lot. . my ammune system has always been weak tho. so yeah. its reallllyyyy cold outside! i want it to get colder so it can snow! yeah! we dont usually get a lot of snow. one year we did lol ooo actually we have had tons of snow before. i dunno why im talkin bout snow. lol im out of it i guess so i will end it now. so i wont make myself look dumb haha later