May 09, 2006 21:39
I was reminded by girliegirl32786's most recent post about her new job (congrats, by the way!) to post about my own job search.
I want a "stupid" job before high school ends and I need some cash, so I decided that this summer might be a good time to get a job. I don't really have a lot going on (little college trips, a week-long field hockey camp, sewing, painting, and possibly volunteering at a local art camp), so it makes sense.
about a month ago, I applied for a job at American Apparel, which is this political-do-good sort of chain based in California (they only make stuff in America, without sweatshop labor, etc.). this was before the New York Times Magazine published an article a couple of weeks ago about the founder/manager of the entire chain. turns out he's a little sketch ... I won't get into it, but you can Google it if you're interested ;)
so tonight I applied to a local Borders online. ye gods, the application was long enough without the 37 page survey with questions like "Are you a private person?" and "Do you take criticism well?" ... so we'll see how that turns out. DSW is my backup, but I can't apply until the beginning of June because they're not open yet.
I'll keep you posted!
p.s. no sewing today--AP Environmental exam tomorrow morning. however, since I have the rest of the day off from school and not a whole lot of work to do ... :)