Nov 09, 2004 23:11
Today was a busy day. I woke up extra early so I would have time to eat breakfast before my 8:30 Spanish class. After Spanish I went to the bio lab for a couple hours.Once I finished the enzyme lab I came home, read from my Chem book and then had some lunch before going to meet with my academic advisor. I am so excited. I picked out my classes for next semester. I really can't wait to get my new schedule because this one sucks. I have so many akward blocks of time, and it just made it impossible to get any decent work hours. Anyways the best part of my day was that I went to the chemistry office to get help from a TA and I FINALLY understand what is going on! I am sooo incredibly happy. A HUGE weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I was so stressed and now I can finally do all those stupid electron configurations, and Lewis models, and all that other shit. I am fucking beaming. I know it's really easy for some people, but for me it was like learning to speak Chinese.
After that I went back to the Bio lab and got started on the Unit 10 lab. Around 8:30 I got to go to Target with my friend Bob and I bought shampoo and some other goodies. Buy of the night: leopard print ear muffs[?] from the girls section. I really like them. I am not normally one for animal prints but I am very satisfied with my ear muffs. I also bought "Love Actually" and "As Good as it Gets" on DVD.
Ms. Gentry replied to my e-mail today. I was glad to find "kgentry" in my inbox this afternoon. I realize I sound like a total teacher's pet... My writing her an e-mail was a direct result of my attendence at the Maya Angelou thing. I have to say, aside from Tiffany's sometimes endless comments, and Brittany's passive agressive bull shit, I honestly miss that class. I will never forget Aura and Ruth Anne's unexpected presentation, Araceli's nonsensical excuses, the day Aileen's inner bitch revealed herself, etc. The list goes on and on. I know Sara agrees.
I lost my voice on Sunday night, and it is barely coming back. I have more work to do. I'm gonna hit the showers and then the books!
Two weeks!