Oct 16, 2009 21:27
Yay Friday!
Kind of a low key weekend. Not much planned. I finally got an idea for a Halloween costume, but now have to find the parts. That might be a bit challenging and deal breaking. I had little to no ideas this year. I guess since no one in Japan reads this, I can spill the beans. I want to go as Leeloo from the 5th Element. No, not in the tape costume, but in the one she wears most on screen. The hardest part will be finding gold leggings/pants and ones that fit since Japan sizes are small. Also, Japan is into leggings, which should make my search easy, but I haven't really seen gold ones...Am I even comfortable enough with myself to wear leggings??? The orange suspenders will be done with orange tape as I don't have that much time/not willing to spend huge funds on getting/making some good latex/rubber ones. I will be going to Osaka next weekend, so getting an orange wig will be a snap. Not going to get it unless I have found the materials for the pants and suspenders by that time.
I finally sent an email to one of my professors asking about a letter of recommendation. It was the last(?) one I needed to send out. I don't know why I dragged my feet on it, but I was the most worried about this one and couldn't come up with the right words. I wasn't totally sure if the professor would remember me and such.
And lookie there! A prompt letter back! A yes! Recommendation 3! //does happy dance
My happy dance is a bit short lived however, as he wants my statement of purpose asap. Yeah... That's not even started yet... I guess more motivation now?
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...
Things are starting to fall into place. I just need to put more work/effort in. I need to do better than what I can do in the 11th hour. My problem is that I KNOW I can do it and get it done so I put if off. But if I want to get the best results I need to write/revise/revise/revise/revise!
On a random note. I am trying to watch the movie whip it! and its not streaming ANYWHERE! Movies that came out at the same time were up the next day, but this movie is being stubborn. There is one site that says it has it, but says you have to fill out one of those spam surveys to access. But it blocks me from even doing that since it doesn't need a survey from Japan. So I opened up hotspot vpn shield and tried, but none of the surveys completed. WASTE OF TIME. I bet the movie isnt even there anyway... Also doesn't seem to be torrenting, but I only checked one place.
Downloaded a few new DS games 3? weeks ago. Got addicted to the stupidest one. It's like a Pokemon game, but instead of pokemon, you dig up fossils and drill them for the bones and revive dinosaurs. I am such a sucker for dinosaurs... I beat the story with game time of about 24 hours. I think I played for about 5 days to get those hours in hehe.
Speaking of dinosaurs, I have dino magnets on my desk at work. I should have said HAD, as they are missing. I am not quite sure how long they have been missing but its been over 1 week since I have noticed. I asked one my teachers with kids if she had seen them, but she had not and thought it was very strange that they were missing. I'm sad! Come back o cute dino magnets! Knowing your names in Japanese isn't as fun without the actual dinos!
I am starting to feel dissatisfied with my lack of activity and they way my body feels because of it. Of course once I get the motivation started, it gets a bit cold to do things outside =(
Maybe I make too many excuses?
I'm really missing people right now. In a bit of a slump. I like the people around here for who they are, but when it comes to doing things it kind of sucks. Their plans for the weekends are always the same: drinking. And not just drinking, but getting TRASHED. EVERY WEEKEND. Going out and drinking is ok every now and then, but I am just not one for the bar scene all the time. I want people to watch movies with, make dinner, play games etc Sigh. Closed pool of availability. Only so much in the area and then I have to travel.