where's YOUR cheesecake factory?

Jan 14, 2006 18:48

No matter how tough life gets, if you can see the shore [of heaven] and draw your strength from Christ, you’ll make it.
-Randy Alcorn

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.
-Doug Larson

We must remember that God loved us first, and that our religion is truly a love affair between God and us, us and God; it is not merely a system of morals and dogmas.
-Catherine Doherty

Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.

-Charles Spurgeon

Live as though Christ died yesterday, rose from the grave today, and is coming back tomorrow.
-Theodore Epp

Since I began to love, love has never forsaken me. It has ever grown to its own fullness within my innermost heart.
-St. Catherine of Genoa

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