(no subject)

Mar 27, 2020 10:28

NAME: Bitsy.
AGE: 32.
JOURNAL: cheezdanish.
IM: AIM = NoKindOfSky
E-MAIL: h dot hollister at gmail dot com
RETURNING: Returning. I've played Weaz before, and play Arnold Rimmer now.

CHARACTER NAME: Jack "Weasel" Hammer.
FANDOM: Marvel 616
CHRONOLOGY: End of the Cable & Deadpool run.
CLASS: Depends on what day of the week it is. Gray-hat. Pain in the ass. Skills to the highest bidder. Jerk.
ALTER EGO: Jack Hammer, hopefully able to get his old job back at StarkTech.

Jack "Weasel" Hammer is one of the few baseline humans in a world gone mad with bespandex'd superheroes. Born into a world of privilege and white middle-class bushwah, as it were, he was attending prestigious science magnet schools by the time he was 7. In fact, by high school he was on the fast track to getting a scholarship to MIT and a top job at OsCorp when a chance run-in with "Spider-Man" (actually Deadpool in disguise) wrecked his world. Spiraling into angst and durm und strang, Jackie boy adopted the hacker handle "Weasel" and got into arms running and manufacture in a big, big way. (And it was all Deadpool's fault. Bastard really does ruin everything he touches.)

He ended up being the go-to tech guy for a place called the Hell House. A former Catholic boarding school, a bunch of mercenaries bought the boarded up wreck and turned it into a den of iniquity and filth, and that was just Patch and his erotic cakes. Weaz didn't so much fall as saunter vaguely downwards, to steal a phrase from Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It was there that Weaz first officially met Deadpool, and became his unofficial fourth-string sidekick. Weaz was responsible for building Deadpool's teleporting belt, the commercial applications never being taken advantage of because Deadpool liked being the only one who could do it. He also hacked computers, built shiny guns, and cowered from the many rough characters who seemed to want Deadpool turned into Deaderpool.

During the course of their adventures together, Weaz was told never, EVER to go to Deadhut, Deadpool's home. Buuuuuuuuuut he didn't listen. (Honestly, he was concerned for the guy. Honest.) He showed up at Deadhut one day and bumped into a sweet little old lady named Blind Al. Thinking at first she was Poolio's mother, he was soon disabused of that notion. Blind Al was Wade's prisoner, and Weaz was horrified at what she had to endure there. (His hat went a little white that day.) Unfortunately, that was when Deadpool arrived home from a particularly nasty "assignment," and flipped what was left of his lid. Weaz and Blind Al were shoved into THE BOX, a four by four closet that was a small slice of hell. Shards of jagged glass embedded in the walls were the nicest bits. Weaz panicked, but after a long heart-to-heart with Blind Al, she simply opened the door and strolled out. Yeah. Deadpool was so broken in the head that he'd torture his friends but not lock them in. Weaz had enough. He fled for parts unknown, and vanished for some time.

Fast forward several years later. Danny Rand, the Iron Fist, had hired Weaz to be a beta-tester for RandCorp's hotshit new computers. But Weaz had with him a copy of the Dominus Objective, a virus that acted as a server that acted as a database. ....Yeah Marvel 616 what are you even? Cable wanted to get his hands on the Dominus Objective as it was installed on Danny's computers, to re-power himself after losing his techno-organic telepathic powers. Wade came along for the ride, and HEY HI THERE WEAZ! Weaz ended up going to jail for having the Dominus Objective virus, Cable got his TKO back, and Wade had a dream where he was oiling up Cable on the beach. Good times! When Weaz popped up again, he was out of jail and helping Wade run some sort of crazy military test against Moon Knight, IDEK. Assassinations were supposed to happen, it was ridic. Fabian Nicieza you've got a lot to answer for srsly. But at least you're not Liefeld.

PERSONALITY: Weasel is cowardly, but in a way that keeps getting him into trouble. He cannot help but get involved with rough, dangerous men who destroy property and end lives simply because, well, they pay top dollar for good weapons. He loves deeply geeky things, like Star Trek and Dr. Who...and collects esoteric porn of characters involved in those deeply geeky shows. (Yes, he's got PAGES of Claire from Heroes on his computer. PAGES.) He arrives in the City with his laptop, which is stuffed full of this sort of thing, and also acres and acres of code he's written for his hacks. The reason he arrives with his computer is because it never leaves his side. He would sooner go without pants than without his computer. He's also enough of an amoral sort of guy to occasionally side with the White Hats, although it does depend entirely on what side of the fence Deadpool is on this week. He is a greasy, unkempt, unwashed, Cheeto-Orange stained fingers having nerd, but damn if he doesn't know his tech. Oh, and he's also an incorrigible fanboy. He knows more about heroes from his world than is probably healthy.

He's also something of an obsessive perfectionist, going back to the drawing board again and again until he gets something just right. He'll take apart a gun in the middle of a fight to try and upgrade it, if he gets just the right bug up his butt. He's killer smart, too, which means he can reverse engineer pretty much any sort of weapon he gets his hands on. He's no mechanic, but if necessary he can jerry-rig fix/hotwire a car or motorcycle: planes, tanks and other vehicles, not so much. Whenever he's in hacker mode, he has a tendency to tune out the world and live in a little bubble of concentration. World War 3 could happen outside his window, and as long as his T-1 line didn't cut out, he'd never notice.

He is also, as mentioned above, an enormous skeeve. He loves looking at pictures of naked ladies. He also thinks he's totally smooth like Fabio when it comes to picking up girls, but fails miserably pretty much all the time. Reason being is that he does actually stammer, stutter, stare at boobs, and do other horrible things whilst picking up, but all he hears in his head is the mellow sounds of Barry White.

He's loyal, for a certain definition of loyal: Loyal to the highest bidder, at least. Deadpool isn't somebody he'd call a friend, at least not out loud, but he does know that about 80% of his reputation comes from his association with 'Pool, so has a tendency to default to "friendship" with the merc. His moral compass seems to gravitate somewhere in the northeast: He's not out killing anybody, but he IS making the weapons for others to do so. He prefers not to think about that, as it makes his stomach churn.

He's the biggest slob in the universe. He'll cheerfully leave empty pizza boxes on the floor, discarded potato chip bags everywhere, never do laundry or dishes, and skip the deodorant. Hackers don't need to smell good. Nerd musk is one of the perks!

POWER: Weasel's non-canon power is technomancy. It can only be done if he's touching the hardware in question, and he can only affect the software kept on any given system. (So, for example, if he touched your Netbook, he couldn't turn it into a massively fast-processing super computer, but he could easily get all the data off of it, rifle through your files, and find your porn.) In reference to the Comms, Weasel can easily detect (but not hack) encrypted and private messages. So he'd know it's there, but couldn't read it without serious effort. Permissions post for him to hack a network post is here, and I will always ask OOC permission before he hacks anything. In terms of power, he's somewhere considerably below Tony Stark, but considerably above your average hacker. He eats and breathes root code, baby.

He can retain data in his head for about an hour after he hacks it, and then has to get it into another form (say, a file on his own heavily encrypted machine) or it will vanish from his brain and he has to start over again.

COMMUNITY POST (FIRST PERSON) SAMPLE: http://community.livejournal.com/capeandcowl/1422877.html

One of my favorite posts I ever made.


Also that one.

LOGS POST (THIRD PERSON) SAMPLE: I have re-used the third person writing sample from my previous app: if this is not acceptable I will re-write.


To say that he was excited was something of an understatement. It was like every piece of hacking he'd done in his life prior was dabbling in screwing around on Netscape. Forget Web 2.0, he felt like this was the dawning of a new age, a new golden age of informational wizardry.

He'd discovered his powers immediately. It was hard not to. All he'd had to do was open up his laptop and BAM. What a rush. It was like some sort of drug. Like jumping off a high mountain. Like the feeling you got when you bit into a York peppermint patty. Like the biggest all-over orgasm you could ever have, only without the messy cleanup.

The only way he could describe the sensation was like a mild electrical shock, but so much more than that. Whenever his fingertips brushed across the black and battered casing of his computer, he could sense everything. Every bit of code, every piece of software, how fast the processors were ticking over...every. Thing. As an experiment, he pulled up a video with a thought. He just rested his hands on the sides of the machine, concentrated, and bingo! There was his beloved Tila Tequila writhing for him in glorious .avi. And, not only that, but if he closed his eyes, he could watch the video in his own head, AND see every scrap of information that made up the vid. Of course, the second his fingers left the machine, it would stop. He remembered it, but only in the sense that he could remember watching the video. He didn't remember all of the code. Although he was sure that if he practiced he could. And he had every intention of practicing.

And...another experiment. He sat himself in a quiet coffee shop in the City, waiting for his moment. And there it was. When another customer used her credit card to purchase her double-caff no whip no fat mocha, Weaz was up behind her in a shot, as if he just remembered something else he wanted to purchase. After the lady had left, and the latté slinger was fetching Weaz a scone, Weasel simply rested his hand casually on the point of sale terminal where the card had been swiped.

ZING. WHOOSH. He was in, zipping mentally down the electronic ether, catching up easily with all her credit card information. The encryption gave him a bit of trouble at first, but not enough to make him sweat. He broke it as easily as a kid breaks into a Kinder Egg. And, best of all, since he was so focused, he remembered every digit, the expiration date, her mother's maiden name, her zip code...and if he wanted to, he could have her whole purchase history in front of him in seconds.

By the time the barista returned with the cranberry lemon scone, Weaz had snagged fourteen other card numbers. It was that fast. Although he could feel the information going slightly fuzzy at the edges. He needed to write it all down soon, or he'd lose it, he just knew it.

"Thanks," he said sincerely to the poor, luckless sap who'd served him his scone. Weaz had gotten his credit card info, too. Tsk. People needed to be more careful around here. Leaving too much information lying around in easily accessible piles was just not smart.

FINAL NOTES ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER: He is going to miss his schmoopy-poo Squirrel Girl SO HARD. Also, as he's 'Ported back into the City, it will feel as if no time had passed for him back home. It won't have even been a nano-second blink. He was at home at the MAC, BAM he's back in the Porter tower and it's six weeks later. FML.


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