GOALS OF 2009/How I Ended up in Africa/Fabulous, Poor, and Blithe

Feb 19, 2009 21:35

So.... first off, i should say a few things. The inauguration was amazing... i am working on a detailed write up on my experience. That is to come.... Also, i went to philly stayed with the amazing and preposterous Emily Skaja. Also went to NY. I like it. I like it a lot. I hear they keep the UN there... hmm.... interesting....

ok... anyway, things are going great. really pretty great. i mean, i have been in one of those really busy fulfilling cycles. I usually feel really heavy jan-march. ALl of my breakups have happened on the cusp of Feb and March. Now... technically i am not dating anyone... but with that being said... if i was dating someone we probably would be great. I mean really fantastic. Cause things are pretty great now. I have plenty of reasons to be super nervous... and maybe discontent (i dont really think i have any reason to be discontent... but maybe other people would be discontent if they were me...) BUT i feel like i still have momentum and a lot of energy. And i have a lot to share with you. but not now. not yet. Call me if you are anxious to know though...

So without further adieu (adieu: the act of leaving or departing; farewell.)

Goals of 2009
How I Ended up in Africa
Fabulous, Poor, and Blithe.

~ Fix Moped with own hands (and some tools)
~ Sell Car
~ Apply for: Peace Corps, Teach for America, State Department, United Nations
~ Volunteer regularly (at least 2 times a month)
~ Interstate Bike Ride
~ Learn to Pain in Water Color
~ 1 out-of-us Trip (south america? africa? Jamaica?)
~ Save up &/or invest $4000
~ Grow a Garden, eat own Fruits and Veggies
~ Attend Universalist Unitarian service(s)
~ Be fabulous and super healthy this summer
~ Do something for Joanne
~ Get Tom Bligh to think about maybe-sorta quitting smoking a-little
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