(no subject)

Feb 06, 2007 22:39

i have not posted in soooooooo long. i remember when i couldnt go three days without posting something.

school is school. its really cool sometimes, but a big hassle the rest of the time.

I love my weight training class. yeah its a 6:30 in the morning twice a week, but it totally wakes me up and I am getting muscle! now if i could just stop eating those philly cheesesteaks from alfredo's...

i really love my native american history class. i think it's actually called Early American Frontiers. very interesting. tons of reading, but its like reading a really good documentary that they would show on the history channel or discovery. not just dry facts or meaningless summaries. i know everyone "learns" about indian history all through k-12, but its so much different to see it in depth. its a history that really does go largely ignored. it's really cool though.

next i have Historian's Craft. i thought this would be a fun class. WRONG. fun class to be in physically. the conversation is great...but the work is like slowly chipping away at a house sized block of marble with a popsicle stick. sooooo tedious. the professor is pretty funny, but he can get on my nerves sometimes. he takes absence from class and a failure to turn in work very personally. its annoying to hear him lecture about responsibility. most of us are going to be pretty responsible about our work because we are paying to be there. somebody is paying for us to be there. we could be somewhere else, but we are enrolled in that class. so....lecture about the subject matter.

english is...okay. the professor is interesting, funny, sarcastic (in a good way) but he asks questions without letting you know what he's getting at. he will ask a question that can be answered 10 different ways with no context so as to indicate which of the 10 answers we should hone in on. so everyone just sits there like "what does he mean?" and he gets all "dont give into your lazy bone" thinking that we didnt read. no one likes to answer questions if they feel like they dont have a clear understanding of what is being asked. duh...

geography is geography. interesting, but long. and late! doesnt get over until 8pm on thursdays. boo.

education as a profession is stupid. i dont mind being in there i guess because the professor reminds me of Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Thompson put together. however, she thinks that she is very computer savvy (ugh...i hate that word) and will teach us this livetext program. most of us could probably do it on our own. she says the program is not intuitive, but so far it is quite intuitive. easy.

taking macroeconomics online was such a good decision. the material is mostly common sense and equations. there are online lectures, powerpoints, the book is online. all the resources of taking a regular class. i can email or message him anytime if i have questions (which so far hasnt happened). the assignments are easy to do and keep up with. easy.

ok that wore me out. gotta go to sleep now. maybe i will attempt another post soon.
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