Those who ate the Tardis or Adipose cakes had a chance to sample Satin Ice vanilla fondant (the outer layer of either cakes). Overall I was pleased with the vanilla fondant. Though it wasn't much easier to work with than Wilton's, I would recommend the fondant for both covering and molding (which I did a little bit of with the Adiposes' arms and feet). I may have a couple of projects to try the chocolate on, so I'll post a review of the chocolate soon.
Now, there's another fondant that I want to try:
Fondarific. The fondant comes in buttercream, vanilla and chocolate as well as nine other flavors, including lemon, cherry and orange. Someone in the cake decorating community posted a
good review of the fondant; basically the buttercream and vanilla tastes better than Satin Ice and fondarific can be refrigerated (Satin Ice can't). However, the fondant doesn't mold as well and doesn't sit well in hot/humid climates (Satin Ice, OTOH, withstood an afternoon sitting in a warm con suite full of people). So, if you live in Texas like I do, you may not be able to do much with Fondarific.