
Sep 03, 2011 10:32

Who: Ventus and you!
What: A confused gander about the city, upon arrival.
Where: Twilight Town
When: Midday
Warnings: Worries and clones.

Ventus is lost...and slightly troubled by the going's on around him, the information he's been given, what he's seen and the holes that still remain. His whole life, a dream?

No, that wasn't quite right. He was stuck ( Read more... )

axel: kingdom hearts, dark yuugi: yu-gi-oh!, roxas: kingdom hearts, *ventus: kingdom hearts, sora: kingdom hearts, aqua: kingdom hearts

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Comments 113

nottheshoe September 3 2011, 00:55:25 UTC
Okay, call Nike rude She totally is, but she couldn't help but over hear the weird kid talking to himself. Probably a newcomer, considering they had been coming in a steady wave for the past couple of days.

It almost made her sick to think that she'd gotten used to it.

"Presumably, all of it." She interjects obnoxiously."Or, if you believe the crap they feed us, everything outside of this world is a dream and this is reality."


endtome September 3 2011, 01:32:22 UTC
He wasn't the first newbie, and he wouldn't be the last. Not that Ventus was aware of this point, not right now. For the moment he's more concerned with the fate of the people he knows--knew. Their questionable existence is hanging over his head like a heavy cloud and Nike doesn't help but confirm them.

"But what about the people you dream of?" An interjection as he turns to her, expression almost desperately earnest. "You don't just make up your friends, right?"


nottheshoe September 3 2011, 01:36:47 UTC
"People you dream of--- don't tell me you're buying the whole 'your entire life was a dream' bit." Nike hadn't bought into what ever Promenade was selling, not yet. The things she'd seen, she'd live through, there's no way that was something she dreamed--- that one belief was the small shred of hope keeping her sane. That she would wake up... she'd be able to make things right at home.

But this kid, so willing to question his entire reality? That was a bit unsettling.

"Look, believe what you want. Personally, I think we're being held here as prisoner, in some weird alternate dimension. I don't think I could make up half the people I met in my life time."

As close to encouraging as Nike could get to at the moment.


endtome September 4 2011, 09:04:48 UTC
"Why would anyone lie about something like that?" A lot of this doesn't hit home right, but the fact is, he'd only just--

Just gotten to the point where everything seemed to be okay. To find out that it isn't is just too much, right now. Hence searching for answers, and stopping to speak to those willing to talk. Even obnoxious ladies who seemed to be a little elitist over their environment.

But she has a good point, one that actually-- makes him smile. Brightly.

"You know, I probably couldn't either. Thanks!" And he holds out a hand for her to shake because that's what you do with ladies. "I'm Ventus."


hellofashow September 3 2011, 01:12:33 UTC
Axel spends a lot of his time just wandering the streets of Twilight Town. Admiring the red sunset, chatting it up with the moogles that lived there, investigating all the nooks and crannies... and eventually settling down for ice cream, with or without (but preferably with) his buddies. Today, he was alone, dressed in an outfit eerily similar to what Lea wore, though more grown up. An orange shirt, his scarf, some black jeans and sneakers. His coat is slung over his shoulder and his other hand is holding ice cream. He's not wearing his mask, but it's on his head.

Then he spots a very familiar head of spiky blond hair, and he stops, then calls out. "Roxas! I thought you couldn't come today!"


endtome September 3 2011, 01:23:46 UTC
Ventus turns, startled at the obnoxious call. At first he doesn't even think its for him, but then, Axel is looking right at him. He's been fiddling with his own mask all day, and the thing is horribly askew.

"I think you've got the wrong guy." A small smile of apology; who's Roxas, anyway?

And why is this guy so familiar. It's just...that hair. It takes a few moments for the name and the face to come to him, though the impression left before was quite vivid. He'd laugh in relief at seeing him here, if not for how different he is.

"Lea, right? I memorized it." He places his hands on his hips, tilting his head in an amused manner. Open and friendly and just too bright in nature to fully reflect Roxas back. "How come I remember yours, but you can forget mine?"


hellofashow September 3 2011, 01:30:13 UTC
"Wrong guy? Look, man, I don't know if they've been messing with your memories again, or what, but there's only one kid in the whole world with hair that silly."

Wait a second. There was something... wrong, here. Nobodies are blessed with an innate sixth sense, perhaps to make up for their lack of hearts. This person looks like Roxas; they could be twins. But he feels completely different. He's not empty. This boy is whole, and full of light. And he knows his old name. Those green eyes narrow to suspicious and confused slits, and Axel stops a yard or so away.

"Lea? ... No one's called me that in a really long time," he looks down and away, scouring through those old memories. He barely remembered a blond boy that had come to Radiant Garden some ten years ago, and sparred with him. He'd never seen the guy again. His name, it started with a "V". "Sorry. It's been a while and you look just like another friend of mine," he gestures at Ven, "Give me a clue."


endtome September 3 2011, 01:40:45 UTC
"My hair isn't silly!" His hair isn't silly! Ven holds a hand up to the mess of blond locks almost protectively, although Axel gives way more than enough ammo to jab right back. "Try saying that in a mirror."

The confusing thing is that Lea...stops. Looks suspicious, and then startled. Like he really wasn't expecting Ventus to be the one he was talking to. He seemed so much more world weary now, like Aqua had when he'd last seen her.

"You forgot my name? Thanks a lot, Lea." A few months and- no. Maybe... maybe it had been longer. Lea looked all grown up, which meant- "A clue... it starts with a 'V'!"


ultimarecipe September 3 2011, 01:35:45 UTC
He usually went to sit on the bent paopu tree when he wanted to think, but ever since he had ice cream with Xion and Axel, Sora found that he liked the clocktower as a place to think as well. He focused on it as he went through the town, a stack of photos in a little backpack slung over his shoulders. He wanted to get started on his journal before he started to forget and put it off. Sora breathed in deep and walked up to the platform in front of the station--and then he paused.

Oh. Roxas was already there--

or was he? Sora frowned slightly and dropped his backpack.

No... that wasn't Roxas, was it? He didn't have his coat on. Last time he'd seen the other, he had it on. "Hey!" He called, both hands around his mouth to amplify the sound.


endtome September 4 2011, 10:03:00 UTC
He's startled out of his thoughts by Sora's voice, turning round to look back at the intruder. His first thoughts are a tad scrambled, confused, like he's seeing a giant spectrum of light, an arena in an ocean of darkness, but then it fades and--

And it's just a boy of his own age, causing his heart to constrict like he's seeing a good friend for the first time in a very long while.

"Uh, hey!" He calls back the greeting upon his approach, stopping several feet away and simply staring for a moment, until he shakes his head and gives a friendly grin. He can't just stare at strangers like that-- "Is this place off limits?"


ultimarecipe September 4 2011, 10:35:36 UTC
Sora tilts his head at the reaction.

There's something ... off about this person. He feels like he's almost having an out of body experience when he looks at the other. Definitely not Roxas... especially if he's asking that kind of stuff about Twilight Town. Weird... he shakes his head, quite like Ven, when he realizes he's thinking too much. It's probably just some weird old deja vu.

"Nope!" He casts a glance back up to the clocktower. "I'm about to go up there. It's open to everyone, I think."


endtome September 4 2011, 12:26:36 UTC
"You mind if I join you?" Not only does he bet he'll get a really good view of the city, a mental image which could come in really handy in the next few days, but he wants to spend a little more time with this stranger.

He feels like there's more to what's going on than he can see, and Ventus is curious as to what it is. He just-- wants to know more.


thebackside September 3 2011, 02:36:25 UTC
The Dark Yuugi had been exploring the city, when he came across this town that seemed out of place. It had to be a key point of this game, or so he had thought. He decided to see what all he could find, but so far, all he had found was a single boy talking to himself.

"All of it except for the people." He answered, though the question wasn't directed at him.


endtome September 4 2011, 10:08:58 UTC
Ventus has been to so many places, that a smal doubletake at Dark Yuugi's appearence, and he's-- no, not quite comfortable. There's a little something else there, past the appearence and further within that makes Ventus feel like shrinking back, like a candle from the darkness.

"You sure? Everyone you meet- you've met, they're definitely real?" It's what he's been wondering the most, caught up in the confliction between which world is real and which one isn't. What about Terra and Aqua?


thebackside September 4 2011, 10:17:42 UTC
"Not all of them." He answered. He didn't seem to mind Ven shrinking back from him- He was used to people his age being scared. He was, after all, the Duel King, the King of Games. He usually only came out to duel, but even just being around Yuugi, he could see when people were intimidated by his reputation.

"A game will have its NPCs, after all."


endtome September 4 2011, 10:34:13 UTC
"NPCs?" That doesn't sound good. His heart sinks a little, although the responses given are of a relaxed enough nature for him to approach, albeit shyly. "What's an NPC?"


I think we can assume this is later than midday. :I destinedwaters September 3 2011, 12:40:52 UTC
Ven isn't the only one who is lost, either.

Aqua had been wandering the city since she had awakened and gotten the rundown, trying to familiarize herself with this place considering she may be here a while--and it beat staring at the mirror all day, needless to say.

That was when she sensed something familiar--a light not too far from here, and it was pure. One of the seven-? No... it was too familiar for that to be it, but when one knew for a fact that who she thought it was was in a coma-

Then there was a familiar figure in the distance, and all she could do was stare for a moment. "...Ven?"

She's approaching cautiously, uncertain.


I'd say that is a very good assumption. /clings endtome September 4 2011, 10:26:23 UTC
He swears his heart just about stops when Aqua calls out to him. There's so much relief, and-- what was he even thinking? Of course Aqua was real, and Terra too.

He'd only seen her a few weeks ago, which is why his reaction is simply to turn to her and wave enthusiatically, calling out in a cheerful greeting. "Aqua!"

From there, all he has to do is run up to meet her in the middle of the courtyard.


Lost Keysiblings uniiiiite. /koala'd destinedwaters September 4 2011, 11:08:23 UTC
Sure enough they stopped, so the added assurance to her senses that it wasn't the face twin this time was a huge sigh of relief. Sighing with relief, she picks up the pace to meet him in the middle. That cheerful face... He was awake- at least in the city of dreams, which sounds like an oxymoron, now that she thinks about it.

"Ven, you really are here!" -and you're okay! She almost adds, only just barely stopping herself and smiling warmly. He'd been so depressed the last time she'd seen him, but if he's this happy, then-- "What are you doing out here? Did you get lost?"

...Too. She won't admit to losing her way, either.


eeeeeeee ~~~~/o/ <3 endtome September 4 2011, 11:20:08 UTC
"And you-" Remember me. You're real. Not the best of things to say. "-'re here too!" Its all joyous smiles and an almost bubbling sense of joy. Aqua's here, and she knows him, which means her and Terra both-

They're fine. He's back where he started, with the assured sense that everything would be okay.

"I was just looking around." Not particularly lost when he was trying to be lost in the first place. That's how you found yourself, after all. Happiness aside, there was their current location to deal with. "This place- it's a little different, huh."

"What do you think, Aqua? What's going on?"


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