First off, how about a little celebration? I passed the departmental editing test today! *is happy* And if that isn't enough cause for celebration, then how about my getting my first "A" on a paper in my Editorical Writing class? It's taken me forever to get above a "B" in that course, but now I have a shot at getting an A overall. He grades based on improvement, so if I can get an A on the final writing assignment then I can probably get an A in the class! *is happy*
And now for something completely different....
Justin stumbled on this the other day and, after much pleading on my part, showed me what he found. It's an anti-abortion video that is very graphic but moving all at the same time. You know, people always tell you that abortion is bad and it takes lives, and I don't deny that. I actually believe it whole-heartedly. But no one ever shows you what really happens. This film shows what the finished product of an abortion looks like. It has everything from 8 to 24 weeks. If you don't like seeing stuff like this then don't click the link, but if you want to know the truth like I did then go ahead. The last one was especially disturbing to me because I remember seeing and holding babies that small when I worked in the nursery for VPBC. It actually reminded me of one of the little boys. If you want to know more, there are a lot of interesting statistics on the site. As far as the video goes, be warned. There is blood and you CAN tell that these were babies.