Apr 24, 2005 18:35
Ok the weekend is def gone and went by super quick. I cannot accept this and thatis because my weekend was quite grand. I will tell u why this is so....
Friday- came home from school and layed around for awhile. Then went to the gay school carnival for llike 30min to wait on Chrissy and Carly. we then left and went to the movies to then walk to Applebees. Everyone was talking and me and Nikki were really hungry. We decided to leave them and walked by ourselves. We met these two cool waitresses who were really cool and like hung out with us for three hours. we talked to them about like everything and this one lady said she would highlight our hair if we babysat her kids.... this was grand. We also met a man named jonathan who later called Nikki and me that night cuz he thought he was the shit and the ladysman. This was quite funny. After that we went to Chrissy with Sarah, Abbie, Carly, Nikki, Chrissy, and me. we were like laughing alot and were really hyper. We made a really funy movie with all the random stuff we do. Then it was really freakin cold but we went on a jog naked. it was sooo funny and soooo freakin cold. I was like pissin my pants watching all of us and then comin inside like with rain andmud on us... Yes it was fabulous.
Saturday - went to Abbie Servies for prom night to watch all the beautiful boys and girls.. There were tons of people there and everyone was really loud. We got pics of my sis... and her b/f and all of their friends. I would have to say my sister was the prettiest one there and she looked like a goddess. They left and we went to watch them at the walk in. We watched everyone walk in all hott and gorgeous then left to pick up the twins and jenna.( o yea this was abbie whiz sarah and me) It was the seven once again! it was so cool to be all back together and we were all like happy. we layed around and ate forever but it was fun . We caught up on stuff and then got bored. We then decided to make a movie buthave it be like a documentary. We all were going to go outside around the neighborhood but some people got scared and went back . SO me Sarah Jenna and Morgan went and walked around the nieghborhood filming us and doing really gay things. It was really cool and just yea awesome. I loved how I got to hang out with like evryone this weekend. I love all u girls so much and U all kick some ass... much love.
So my weekend was pretty fun and I am going to try and write in here more often... in fact all rewrite again tonight. I willl go now... later days
Think of life's problems as ...speed bumps.., things you have to get over in order to enjoy the rest of life's journey