Mar 27, 2005 16:43
OK so a four day weekend is pretty freakin nice even if u didnt really do that much. Onthe half day Abbie and her mom picked me up to go shopping in Indy. I had been wanting to shop for a while and that was a nice thing to do. When we got back Abbie and I were very tired so since we r supper lazy we decided to just take a siesta and went to bed. It was very nice and yea nice.
On Friday Abbie and I layed around until 6:30 and then went to the movies with Chrissy. We went to see Ms. Congenitality 2 and Carly came too. We had a good ol time and the movie wasnt as good as the first one. Afterwards We all went to Arbys then Chrissy and Abbie and me went back to Abbies. We made up a very cool dance and we are def. the Sliced Spandex. We hung out and just did random stupid stuff thwe whole night. THEN we succeded in getting in the hottub and showering together.. haa good times... We were so relaxed we just went to sleep. They are sooo fun and I love to be around those girlies.
Saturday was a pretty fun day too. I went tanning hung out then went back to my house. I was planning on going shopping with my sisters but then I really didnt want to. I decided to go over to Carly's house to chill with that crazy child. We were just hanging out in the kitchen talkin with her mom and haley just laughing and stuff when the most random thing happened. Meryl walked into the kitchen and told Carly she had a visito. So we just looked at eachother like cool somebody likes us and who do u know walks in.. KEVIN TUCKER!!!! It was crazy. we just looked at eachother like WTF and then he just sat down and made himself at home. He told us about how is dad was a moose just like he was and how all that ladies at school just love him. He said some of the most untrue but funniest things I have heard in a VERY long time. After awhile I had been jus about to the point of losing it I got up and went to the bathroom so I could bust out laughing. I didnt want to just point and laugh so I went to the bathroom. It was so funny. I walked onto the back porch to talk to Meryl and she was going to family video. Since I had to get away I went with her and I was bustin on how funny it was. He had been there for like an hour and it was soooo random. Kevin Tucker makes me smile. Whooaaaa boy!
Saturday was also halarious because Chrissy Stevens knows how to do the most funniest things. We were like hey lets go streaking and whenever we say that we know she will for sure. Carly and I were going to but we got to scared. She went outside buck naked and stood on the porch. First she decided to pee in Carly's yard and she got a few whistles and whoos. Abbie, Sarah, Carly, Haley, and I were dying and just omgosh! SO then we locked her out and she came back in. She grabed a walking stick and went outside and just walked in circles around this one car. so then she came back in and we thought she was done. we were like go out there and sweep the porch and she was like ok sweet I will. She went out there and there was no sweeper thingy. I was laughing so hard. It was so funny to watch her run down the street naked. So then Sarah was wearing these pants that had ripped and the hole just kept getting bigger and bigger. We took the pants off and made a little skimpy skirt for Chrissy to wear as she went outside to be a sufari hunter. She put it on and went outside wearing a Sufari hat and the little skirt. We were all laughing so hard becuase omg it was soo funny. She grabbed a snow shuffel since she didnt have a broom and went down the road. She was acting like she was searching for sumthing and she kept bending down like she was undercover. Remember that she was naked so it made it even more funny. She walked to the end of Carly's steet to like that busy road Washington. This random guy walked buy and she jumped into the bushes. We could like see her siloutette in the night and we were all peeing our pants since we do that a lot anyways. She then came back to say she was finished and we told her she had to walk to the other end of the street. Well if any of u know where Carly lives u might have seen the random peacock race car made out of aluminum across her road. Well being so cool and listenin to our commands Chrissy goes over there and sits on it pretending to ride it and makeing vroom roomm noises. It def. made the night spelndid and it will be a good insider for the five of us. Saturday was def. fun. CHRISSY UR AWESOME AND THANKS FOR MAKIN MY NIGHTS ROCK
Then today I just woke up and went to my gmas for Easter dinner. was sorta fun and I have some pretty col cuzins. Then I now am sitting at Abbies hanging out watch Little Princess. I miss my mom tons and I want her to get better. I LOVE U MOM AND PLEASE HURRY UP AND GET TO BE GOOD. I am tired of writing and I have to pee. Until next time later days