Apr 24, 2005 13:04
friday.... itwas fun.. we stayed after school for a while..because
me and eleanor had to finish dreading michaels hair...
geezzz..it takess soo LONG.. his hair is too straight..
eleanor had to teach me how to do it.. cuz shes the pro..
it wasnt that hard.. but ifelt so bad.. it feels like im ruining his hair..even tho im supose to.. but :| his beautifull hair.. NOOO!!
anyways.. he looks cool with it..
we're not even 1/2 done.. ahha.. maybe we should curl his hair 1st.. lol
anyways.. afterwards..me, eleanor, davida, john,joanna, gil, michael, and ak went to eleanors.. haha..funfun..
apperantly im the last to go if we were in the scary movie. but i think either davida, or gil is the killer.. [davida fuking drags me to eleanors basement :|]
we went to her awesome stinky basement to watch the matrix..
me and gil had massive pillow fight..
it hurts alot..cuz the pillow has super sharp zipper.. :( lol
anyways.. so we got tired...so we sat down and watch it with them..
btw eleanor needs to buy more couches.. we had nowhere to sit.. so john, eleanor, gil, me sat at the same place..
yea pain iknow.. but thankgod.. john crawled down to lay on the floor with joanna with blanket ;).
so itwas me, gil, michael, and elanor at the same couch..not that painful, except eleanor bascially took the whole couch.
crashing everyone.
i dont know.. i think that was my 1st time actually seeing the matrix.. ahhaha how pathetic..
so we just chilled after..and we got supe tired..and we went home..
we walked in the rain :) that makes me happy.. :)
i still dont know what is up with eleanors kitchen table..it makes us laugh so hard every single time.
next time i should wear diaper so itd absorbed my pee.. :|