Life is good when there are 1000++ seeders

May 17, 2010 01:08

I'll be having my French 11 Make-up final to get rid of that INC I incurred 2nd sem 08-09, all because of my own stupidity. I've been reviewing everyday these past two weeks, utilizing not just the Forum books, but also a DS game called My French Coach, which I guess was a lot of help with recall. Let's see....

Bonsoir~! Je m'appelle Triccie. Je suis 23 and. J'habite à Sta. Rosa Laguna. J'aime la nager et jouer au volleyball. J'aime la musique. Et vous? Qu'est-ce que vous aimez? Je voudrais me tuer.

Okay, so that last one was via G!Trans, and it isn't true. Life is not all shine and sparkles, but it's still is and forever shall be a gift.

Here's to hoping Sir Teddy will give me a relatively easy test out of pity. o/


Yesterday I went over to QC and met up with the old fags (Joey, Klaine, Airis, Earle and Cheska) for a time of lulz and reminiscing. Over dinner we were discussing new employment opportunities, and Cheska remarked that "it's not about how much money you make, but if what your doing fulfills you" (not verbatim, but pretty close). I agree with this one hundred percent, but I also understand that not everyone has the luxury of working for the government for the sake of it. So make the most of your time while you are still free to do whatever your heart pushes you to do before a family or heavy budget constraints get the shackles on.

It is quite refreshing to see her though, because every time I do I feel hopeful about the future of the Philippines. I just hope that her good influence rubs off on the people she works with and not the other way around. She's been at it for two years and is still free of the so-called culture, so the horizon looks good.


This weekend I managed to download several movies thanks to my abnormally amazing Smart Bro, which let's me DL at speeds of 400kbpsmax. Why it took me so long to get a router I cannot explain, but now that it's finally here I've been putting it to mega use. Yesterday I enjoyed Spock/Kirk, and today I had Watchmen, and Rorschach was just so delicious I almost threw a shoe at the TV when toot tooot toot tooot tooot toooot tooot!

So, Star Trek (2009). My main Star Trek education came from The Next Generation, but Spock was too famous for his own good that I've always had an image of him in the back of my head. Captain Kirk is a different matter altogether, since I couldn't for the life of me remember what he looked like and was shocked to find out that he was played by William Shatner, of Boston Legal fame for me. But the Spock/Kirk chemistry in the 2009 version is alive and hot. BUT I DON'T LIKE KARL URBAN WITHOUT A HEALTHY EXPANSE OF BEARD. His bare face disturbs me for some reason. And I recoiled at the Uhura/Spock moments; it looked wrong, especially with Kirk watching D: But overall it was enjoyable, and it was fun looking for Aragorn Hector under all the prosthetics XD

Now I understand the reference when Wolowitz says: In space, no one can hear you scream. *rolls*

Watchmen was fantastic. I haven't finished reading the GN (the lack of sound effects scare me), but I think it was very well done. The Comedian was a right ass; you'd want to cuddle him and kill him at the same time. I appreciated all the characters, with the exception of Dr. Manhattan. I don't hate him, it's just... from the way he speaks, if he really thinks that deep, then he should have just killed himself. It just goes to show that all knowledge without human compassion ends in chaos.

Rorschach is still the most awesome of them all, and the costumes didn't look as stupid as I thought they would in real life. Nite Owl reminded me of Ed ;o; but I liked him. Laurie Jupiter was cool too, and her fight scenes in prison were amazing with her hair :)) and lol, Ozymandias reminded me of Dr. Chase, only a bit more gay (if that's even possible).

Terminator Salvation just finished DLing, so that's on my list for tomorrow. Let's see:

10 heures: Arrive à UP et cram some more
13 heures: Français exam
16 heures: Je vais à chez
somewhere in between: pay for and get contacts from Andi and meet with Mäuschen~
20 heures (hopefully): Terminator Salvation \o/

What else do you recommend? I need to download 4 more movies to create my 2nd movie DVD. /dances


The UPAME Website is back online~! The forums are good to go as well, so please visit soon and make the threads chunkier. Thanks to Wiggles for getting it up so fast *u* ....OH SEE WHAT I DID THAR /gets hit by Georg

And the Alumni IDs are well on their way! Thanks to Dan and Madz for their efforts :3

Time for bed. I'll need all the rest and luck I can get for tomorrow.

movies: terminator salvation, movies: star trek, français, movies: watchmen, upame, arescom

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