May 28, 2008 08:28

Yesterday I finished the first draft of my mg novel! I was determined to finish it this month and I actually beat my deadline by a few days. I started it one year ago this month which shows how fast I write... But I did work on several pb manuscripts during that time too. Finishing a draft is almost as wonderful a feeling as selling a book. And now I'm anxious to go back over it and revise -- that's so much more fun than getting the story down on paper the first time! I could barely sleep last night because I kept thinking of little things to add or change in the story. After the revising I'd like to take a week or two off from writing and do some much needed house-cleaning! Plus, I need to create a power point presentation, write a speech and lots of other little chores. That's my plan but sticking to it may be hard. I have two ideas bouncing around in my head that I'm excited about working on! But really, I need to do spring cleaning first. And the end of June is our son's wedding so there will be fun stuff to do in the weeks ahead! Good time for a short break from writing...
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