I'm Baaaack!

Sep 24, 2007 08:04

Okay, I've been gently nudged by a couple of people (ow -- stop poking me!) to update my blog. And now I'm trying to think of some wise and witty things to say. (pause for thinking)

Or let's just go with some regular stuff.

I am still working on my chapter book and am almost at the halfway point! Still liking it and having a good time. And I know what project I'll be working on when this is done so I'm in a constant GO,GO, GO mood! Alas, I do not write fast no matter how anxious I am to complete a first draft.

I also have a looooong list of "other stuff" that needs done. Mostly writing related -- I'm talking at the B&N Educator's Night, working on a PP presentation for librarians/teachers, speaking at another bookstore... I need to prepare for this and send out letters and yada, yada, yada. All things that need to be done but they are NOT as fun as writing! I'll have to tough it out and just take a few days off and git 'er done!

Big news -- out oldest son is engaged to the most wonderful future daughter-in-law ever! Wedding will be in June 2008 so I should have time to lose some weight. When I'm done here, it's off for a nice long walk on the treadmill.

Next month is another AMAZING Iowa SCBWI conference in Des Moines. Jane Yolen and MY editor! Together at the same place! WOW! I am so excited to meet my editor (Liz) in person! Right now I plan on gawking at Jane Yolen from across the room because I am too intimidated to speak to her in person. Because, she's like, JANE YOLEN!

On my To Do List today is shop for shoes, go to the library, clean, do laundry... but I think after my walk I might do some writing instead... The laundry can wait another day, right? And it's not like I need a pair of shows today...

Ah, procrastination, it's a beautiful thing.

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