Apr 23, 2013 23:43
So last night I let my brother's cat into my bed.
Problem 1- she likes to sleep on the fitted bottom sheet, not the duvet.
Problem 2- she likes to sleep up next to your head.
Problem 3- she likes to get up, nuzzle, purr loudly and rub until you wake up enough to pet her. In fact, should your hand fall near her she assumes you've woken up to pet her and will nag until you've done so.
Problem 4- she doesn't settle for very long. She'll hang around, then jump off the bed, then come back and nag for attention. Rinse and repeat.
So already my sleep was broken and of poor quality. Then at 5am she jumps onto my bed and starts coughing up a hairball. I wake up in time to chuck her off the bed but by the time I've gotten out from under the covers she's already hocked up the hairball on my floor. I go to clean that up... and she's busy coughing up another one in the lounge. I go look for it, can't find it, put her outside and leave a note on the door saying 'Watch your step, there's a hairball in here somewhere.'