Remember when Senior year was just starting,
And things were cr-azy without any real reason
Other than the fact that we had just become Seniors
And we were living for cr-azy times.
Craziness was sort of put on a backburner since November and life has been moving along steadily since then, I suppose. Ruthless and weird, but steady in a strange sort of way.
I guess we finished One-Acts
I guess I applied to a few colleges
I guess we're moving into the last spring musical of my high school career
I guess I'm going to be an adult in 12 days
Life moves on in this way. I guess I just have to make sure life doesn't pass me by that fast anymore. There are some things I may never get again.
How's everyone's January been?!?!
Facetious and slightly Philosophical
PS. Also
My post-summer, mid-October tan is definitely gone