ugh ikr? it's like, if you wouldn't want someone being all crazy towards you, don't be crazy towards celebs who are out there being awesome and letting you ask questions!
you totally win this post (b/c there's a winner here? LOL) for using a Community gif of my otp.
Yeah, exactly! Some of the questions/comments were a little, er... TMI? Like, no matter how nonchalant he was, some of those questions were bound to freak anyone out.
Whoo, Jeff and Annie! : D Tbh, I don't really mind Jeff/Britta since I love both characters, plus the Modern Warfare episode was pretty great. But I started shipping Jeff/Annie around the time of the Halloween episode, because they're too cute. And two (I think?) episodes later, it became a legit ship and I was ecstatic, hahah. xD
Right, I talk (type?) too much when I'm tired, I'll shut up now. ~Don't let your liiife pass you byyy~
ME TOOO!!! I was shipping them really early on, and then when it became an actual thing i was so excited!
I don't mind jeff/britta either (and yes Modern Warfare was just about the greatest thing ever!!) - i just think that Allison Brie is the greatest thing ever and i think that's why i ship them so hard.
~weep not fooooor the memorieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~
YES, another original shipper! : D I honestly didn't think it would ever happen because of the age difference thing. And even after the debate episode, the cast seemed really skeptical whenever someone would ask them about it in interviews. But one thing I love about Community is how the writers take their fans seriously, and that they even read viewer comments on LJ. xD
Allison Brie is adorable. She's one of the reasons I want to start watching Mad Men < 3 Too bad I'm insanely behind on the show.
I know, right?! Apparently they have lurked around community_tv quite a few times. And some of the cast members (Like Kim) have even taken icons from icon posts on there to use for their Twitter account.
-Adds it to her list of things to watch- It looks amazing! Plus, I love that era. And Jon Hamm. And as lame as it sounds, I really want to be able to compare Abed's impression of Don Draper to the real thing. -Is a loser- xD
( ... )
you totally win this post (b/c there's a winner here? LOL) for using a Community gif of my otp.
hahaha ~i will remember youuuuuuuuuuuuuu~
Whoo, Jeff and Annie! : D Tbh, I don't really mind Jeff/Britta since I love both characters, plus the Modern Warfare episode was pretty great. But I started shipping Jeff/Annie around the time of the Halloween episode, because they're too cute. And two (I think?) episodes later, it became a legit ship and I was ecstatic, hahah. xD
Right, I talk (type?) too much when I'm tired, I'll shut up now. ~Don't let your liiife pass you byyy~
I don't mind jeff/britta either (and yes Modern Warfare was just about the greatest thing ever!!) - i just think that Allison Brie is the greatest thing ever and i think that's why i ship them so hard.
~weep not fooooor the memorieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees~
Allison Brie is adorable. She's one of the reasons I want to start watching Mad Men < 3 Too bad I'm insanely behind on the show.
MAD MEN IS THE GREATEST THING EVER! I love whenever she's on.
-Adds it to her list of things to watch- It looks amazing! Plus, I love that era. And Jon Hamm. And as lame as it sounds, I really want to be able to compare Abed's impression of Don Draper to the real thing. -Is a loser- xD
hahahahahaha that is one of the best reasons for wanting to watch mad men ever! oh abed <33 It really is a completely epic show.
( ... )
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