ahhhhhhhh wtf

Aug 22, 2010 23:03

So this add keeps popping up all over my facebook - all weekend now - and it's scaring the every living shit out of me. over. and over. and over again.

see?! nightmares for a year. and now i've got a terrifying pic in my glorious tinypic account. whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!


So i'm looking for a new job and homegrown_lb was looking on Craigs List for me and came across this job that involved writing about "Life sized dolls." to which i totally wish i could get. and then she was all "they want someone with experience with them." and then she said

I mean seriously, we could make some Brad/Nate dolls, then you would have TONS of experience.

and i mentally jizzed all over the place at the possibilities, hahahahahaha. oh nice. now i sound kind of creepy.



going to hang this in my cube at work tomorrow:


my goal at work this week is to engage Half Pants in conversation so i can become Mrs. Half Pants in the next year or so..... i'm sure neither of those things will happen per my extreme awkwardness - but really how could he not love someone like me who says things like "mentally jizzed all over the place..." Maybe i'll show him my screws when i get them removed and then say something like "hey these used to be in me... want to take their place." AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M DYING. AHAHAHAHAHAH SHIT. that was inappropriate.

this is probably applicable again:

i'm such a damn freak

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